Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

August 29, 2016

RDBL – manipulate data in-database with R code only

Filed under: Database,R,SQL — Patrick Durusau @ 2:01 pm

RDBL – manipulate data in-database with R code only by David Kun.

From the post:

In this post I introduce our own package RDBL, the R DataBase Layer. With this package you can manipulate data in-database without writing SQL code. The package interprets the R code and sends out the corresponding SQL statements to the database, fully transparently. To minimize overhead, the data is only fetched when absolutely necessary, allowing the user to create the relevant joins (merge), filters (logical indexing) and groupings (aggregation) in R code before the SQL is run on the database. The core idea behind RDBL is to let R users with little or no SQL knowledge to utilize the power of SQL database engines for data manipulation.

It is important to note that the SQL statements generated in the background are not executed unless explicitly requested by the command Hence, you can merge, filter and aggregate your dataset on the database side and load only the result set into memory for R.

In general the design principle behind RDBL is to keep the models as close as possible to the usual data.frame logic, including (as shown later in detail) commands like aggregate, referencing columns by the \($\) operator and features like logical indexing using the \([]\) operator.

RDBL supports a connection to any SQL-like data source which supports a DBI interface or an ODBC connection, including but not limited to Oracle, MySQL, SQLite, SQL Server, MS Access and more.

Not as much fun as surfing mall wifi for logins/passwords, but it is something you can use at work.

The best feature is that you load resulting data sets only. RDBL uses databases for what they do well. Odd but efficient practices do happen from time to time.

I first saw this in a tweet by Christophe Lalanne.

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