Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

February 3, 2012

Graph Visualization and Neo4j (Parts 1, 2, 3 (so far))

Filed under: Graphs,Neo4j,Neography,Processing.js,Visualization — Patrick Durusau @ 4:57 pm

Max De Marzi has a truly amazing series of posts on graph visualization and Neo4j!

Here is a quick list:

Graph Visualization and Neo4j

Highlights (besides Max’s code): Processing.js, radial navigation (Donut).

Graph Visualization and Neo4j – Part Two

Highlights: Continues with Processing.js and the canvas element from HTML 5. If you don’t know the canvas element, see the Mozilla Developer page Canvas tutorial.

Graph Visualization and Neo4j – Part Three

Highlights: D3.js, chord flare visualization, and to answer Max’s question about the resulting graphic: Yes, yes it is pretty!

January 6, 2012


Filed under: Neography,Neovigator,Processing.js — Patrick Durusau @ 11:36 am


From the webpage:

An attempt to use Neography and processing.js to navigate a Neo4j graph via its REST API.

Be sure to visit the demo site:

Mouse-over and enjoy!

Aside to Kirk: Thinking of the potential to represent morphemes, morphological annotations, syntactic analysis, with variants in a first person shooter, sorry, point and click interface. First step display, then authoring.

Hmmm, some relationships could be auto-generated, such an an emendation need only be entered with its relationship to a morpheme and its relationships to the word, verse, syntactic divisions, etc. could be automatically added. Could have “display changes” to facilitate review.

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