Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

August 28, 2011

BigSheets or SCOBOL

Filed under: BigInsights — Patrick Durusau @ 8:01 pm

BigSheets: extending business intelligence through web data

From the website:

BigSheets is an extension of the mashup paradigm that:

  • A component of IBM InfoSphere BigInsights solution
  • Integrates gigabytes, terabytes, or petabytes of unstructured data from web-based repositories
  • Collects a wide range of unstructured web data stemming from user-defined seed URLs
  • Extracts and Enriches that data using the unstructured information management architecture you choose (LanguageWare,OpenCalais, etc.)
  • Lets you Explore and Visualize this data in specific, user defined contexts. (such as ManyEyes)

I checked and it doesn’t look like BigSheets is included in the basic BigInsights edition (the free one).

Interesting to think of the problem scenarios for BigSheets as Jeopardy clues:

    • Research and analytics of structured databases result in dated information that cannot properly guide strategies or support decisions.
    • Ans: What is Californication?
    • The reach of your business intelligence data is limited to enterprise databases – providing only a one-sided view of the real business environment.
    • Ans: What is “Where the Wild Things Are?” (semantically diverse data)
    • Customer preferences and website activity are captured only through pre-packaged, outsourced web analytics. There is no way to do it yourself.
    • Ans:What is Semantic-COBOL or SCOBOL? (COBOL being the original DYI programming language for business types)

Serious question: Say you and I separately create data mashups using BigSheets. How do we merge those together so neither one of us has to repeat the work we did creating the mashups? So that the result is the accumulation of our insights?

June 24, 2011

The Smarter Computing Blog

Filed under: BigData,BigInsights — Patrick Durusau @ 10:47 am

The Smarter Computing Blog

An interesting IBM blog on “big data” and responses to it.

Looking for something more to say, I happened upon its “about” page. Judge for yourself but it took me back to the ’60’s, listening to Men and Molecules on a “pocket-size” transitor radio. Absolute faith in science and technology. Don’t get me wrong, I have a deep fondness for both, but I no longer automatically trust either one.

From the “about” page:

We are seeing dramatic shifts as our planet becomes smarter. These shifts are changing the way the world works. Cities are becoming smarter by transforming traffic systems, water systems, security—every possible form of municipal infrastructure. Business process is evolving across every industry—banking, trading, manufacturing. And we’re seeing changes in the way people live, enjoying advancements ranging from reduced congestion and pollution to new ways to communicate and collaborate. Every aspect of life is benefiting from the instrumentation, interconnection and infusion of intelligence into the systems of the world. Nothing is changing more than information technology: the way it’s accessed, the way it’s applied, and the way it’s architected. The opportunities for innovation have never been greater. Enterprises in every industry can use breakthroughs in technology to create new business models, find new ways of delivering technology-based services, and generate new insights from IT to fuel innovation and dramatically improve the economics of IT. New technology innovations signal that we are entering a new era of computing—smarter computing—the era of insight for discovery.

June 3, 2011

IBM InfoSphere BigInsights

Filed under: Avro,BigInsights,Hadoop,HBase,Lucene,Pig,Zookeeper — Patrick Durusau @ 2:32 pm

IBM InfoSphere BigInsights

Two items stand out in the usual laundry list of “easy administration” and “IBM supports open source” list of claims:

The Jaql query language. Jaql, a Query Language for JavaScript Object Notation (JSON), provides the capability to process both structured and non-traditional data. Its SQL-like interface is well suited for quick ramp-up by developers familiar with the SQL language and makes it easier to integrate with relational databases.


Integrated installation. BigInsights includes IBM value-added technologies, as well as open source components, such as Hadoop, Lucene, Hive, Pig, Zookeeper, Hbase, and Avro, to name a few.

I guess it must include a “few” things since the 64-bit Linux download is 398 MBs.

Just pointing out its availability. More commentary to follow.

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