Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

October 23, 2012

Wyner et al.: An Empirical Approach to the Semantic Representation of Laws

Filed under: Language,Law,Legal Informatics,Machine Learning,Semantics — Patrick Durusau @ 10:37 am

Wyner et al.: An Empirical Approach to the Semantic Representation of Laws

Legal Informatics brings news of Dr. Adam Wyner’s paper, An Empirical Approach to the Semantic Representation of Laws, and quotes the abstract as:

To make legal texts machine processable, the texts may be represented as linked documents, semantically tagged text, or translated to formal representations that can be automatically reasoned with. The paper considers the latter, which is key to testing consistency of laws, drawing inferences, and providing explanations relative to input. To translate laws to a form that can be reasoned with by a computer, sentences must be parsed and formally represented. The paper presents the state-of-the-art in automatic translation of law to a machine readable formal representation, provides corpora, outlines some key problems, and proposes tasks to address the problems.

The paper originated at Project IMPACT.

If you haven’t looked at semantics and the law recently, this is a good opportunity to catch up.

I have only skimmed the paper and its references but am already looking for online access to early issues of Jurimetrics (a journal by the American Bar Association) that addressed such issues many years ago.

Should be fun to see what has changed and by how much. What issues remain and how they are viewed today.

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  1. […] Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity « Wyner et al.: An Empirical Approach to the Semantic Representation of Laws […]

    Pingback by Jurimetrics (Modern Uses of Logic in Law (MULL)) « Another Word For It — October 23, 2012 @ 10:48 am

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