Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

November 30, 2013

CGAL: Computational Geometry Algorithms Library

Filed under: Algorithms,Computational Geometry,Mathematics,Programming — Patrick Durusau @ 7:47 pm

CGAL: Computational Geometry Algorithms Library

From the webpage:

The goal of the CGAL Open Source Project is to provide easy access to efficient and reliable geometric algorithms in the form of a C++ library. CGAL is used in various areas needing geometric computation, such as: computer graphics, scientific visualization, computer aided design and modeling, geographic information systems, molecular biology, medical imaging, robotics and motion planning, mesh generation, numerical methods… More on the projects using CGAL web page.

The Computational Geometry Algorithms Library (CGAL), offers data structures and algorithms like triangulations (2D constrained triangulations, and Delaunay triangulations and periodic triangulations in 2D and 3D), Voronoi diagrams (for 2D and 3D points, 2D additively weighted Voronoi diagrams, and segment Voronoi diagrams), polygons (Boolean operations, offsets, straight skeleton), polyhedra (Boolean operations), arrangements of curves and their applications (2D and 3D envelopes, Minkowski sums), mesh generation (2D Delaunay mesh generation and 3D surface and volume mesh generation, skin surfaces), geometry processing (surface mesh simplification, subdivision and parameterization, as well as estimation of local differential properties, and approximation of ridges and umbilics), alpha shapes, convex hull algorithms (in 2D, 3D and dD), search structures (kd trees for nearest neighbor search, and range and segment trees), interpolation (natural neighbor interpolation and placement of streamlines), shape analysis, fitting, and distances (smallest enclosing sphere of points or spheres, smallest enclosing ellipsoid of points, principal component analysis), and kinetic data structures.

All these data structures and algorithms operate on geometric objects like points and segments, and perform geometric tests on them. These objects and predicates are regrouped in CGAL Kernels.

Finally, the Support Library offers geometric object generators and spatial sorting functions, as well as a matrix search framework and a solver for linear and quadratic programs. It further offers interfaces to third party software such as the GUI libraries Qt, Geomview, and the Boost Graph Library.

I found this earlier today while searching for support for half-edges in graphs (CGAL supports half-edges).

November 29, 2013

Overtone 0.9.0

Filed under: Clojure,Functional Programming,Mathematics,Music,Music Retrieval — Patrick Durusau @ 9:24 pm

Overtone 0.9.0

From the webpage:

Overtone is an Open Source toolkit for designing synthesizers and collaborating with music. It provides:

  • A Clojure API to the SuperCollider synthesis engine
  • A growing library of musical functions (scales, chords, rhythms, arpeggiators, etc.)
  • Metronome and timing system to support live-programming and sequencing
  • Plug and play MIDI device I/O
  • A full Open Sound Control (OSC) client and server implementation.
  • Pre-cache – a system for locally caching external assets such as .wav files
  • An API for querying and fetching sounds from
  • A global concurrent event stream

When I saw the announcement for Overtone 0.9.0 I was reminded it was almost a year ago that I posted: Functional Composition [Overtone/Clojure].

Hard to say if Overtone will be of more interest to musicians who want to learn functional programming or functional programmers who want a deeper understanding of music or people for who the usual baseball, book publishing, web pages, etc., examples just don’t cut it. 😉

While looking for holiday music for Overtone, I did stumble across:

Music: a Mathematical Offering by Dave Benson.

At over 500 pages, this living text is also for sale in hard copy by Cambridge University Press. Do us all a favor and if the electronic version proves useful to you, ask your library to order a hard copy. And/or recommend it to others. That will encourage presses to continue to allow electronic versions of hard copy materials to circulate freely.

If you are interested in the mathematics that underlie music or need to know more for use in music retrieval, this is a good place to start.

I struck out on finding Christmas music written with Overtone.

I did find this video:

I would deeply appreciate a pointer to Christmas music with or for Overtone.


Update: @Overtone tweeted this link for Christmas music: …/overtone/examples/compositions/bells.clj.


October 30, 2013


Filed under: Analytics,Machine Learning,MADlib,Mathematics,Statistics — Patrick Durusau @ 6:58 pm


From the webpage:

MADlib is an open-source library for scalable in-database analytics. It provides data-parallel implementations of mathematical, statistical and machine-learning methods for structured and unstructured data.

The MADlib mission: to foster widespread development of scalable analytic skills, by harnessing efforts from commercial practice, academic research, and open-source development.

Until the Impala post called my attention to it, I didn’t realize that MADlib had an upgrade earlier in October to 1.3!

Congratulations to MADlib!

October 8, 2013

From Algorithms to Z-Scores:…

Filed under: Algorithms,Computer Science,Mathematics,Probability,R,Statistics — Patrick Durusau @ 2:47 pm

From Algorithms to Z-Scores: Probabilistic and Statistical Modeling in Computer Science by Noram Matloff.

From the Overview:

The materials here form a textbook for a course in mathematical probability and statistics for computer science students. (It would work fine for general students too.)

“Why is this text different from all other texts?”

  • Computer science examples are used throughout, in areas such as: computer networks; data and text mining; computer security; remote sensing; computer performance evaluation; software engineering; data management; etc.
  • The R statistical/data manipulation language is used throughout. Since this is a computer science audience, a greater sophistication in programming can be assumed. It is recommended that my R tutorials be used as a supplement:

  • Throughout the units, mathematical theory and applications are interwoven, with a strong emphasis on modeling: What do probabilistic models really mean, in real-life terms? How does one choose a model? How do we assess the practical usefulness of models?

    For instance, the chapter on continuous random variables begins by explaining that such distributions do not actually exist in the real world, due to the discreteness of our measuring instruments. The continuous model is therefore just that–a model, and indeed a very useful model.

    There is actually an entire chapter on modeling, discussing the tradeoff between accuracy and simplicity of models.

  • There is considerable discussion of the intuition involving probabilistic concepts, and the concepts themselves are defined through intuition. However, all models and so on are described precisely in terms of random variables and distributions.

Another open-source textbook from Norm Matloff!

Algorithms to Z-Scores (the book).

Source files for the book available at: .

Norm suggests his R tutorial, R for Programmers as supplemental reading material.

To illustrate the importance of statistics, Norm gives the following examples in chapter 1:

  • The statistical models used on Wall Street made the quants” (quantitative analysts) rich— but also contributed to the worldwide fi nancial crash of 2008.
  • In a court trial, large sums of money or the freedom of an accused may hinge on whether the judge and jury understand some statistical evidence presented by one side or the other.
  • Wittingly or unconsciously, you are using probability every time you gamble in a casino— and every time you buy insurance.
  • Statistics is used to determine whether a new medical treatment is safe/e ffective for you.
  • Statistics is used to flag possible terrorists —but sometimes unfairly singling out innocent people while other times missing ones who really are dangerous.

Mastering the material in this book will put you a long way to becoming a network “statistical skeptic.”

So you can debunk mis-leading or simply wrong claims by government, industry and special interest groups. Wait! Those are also known as advertisers. Never mind.

October 7, 2013

Markov Chains in Neo4j

Filed under: Graphs,Markov Decision Processes,Mathematics,Neo4j — Patrick Durusau @ 2:41 pm

Markov Chains in Neo4j by Nicole White.

From the post:

My new favorite thing lately is Neo4j, a graph database. It’s simple yet powerful: a graph database contains nodes and relationships, each which have properties. I recently made this submission to Neo4j’s GraphGist Challenge, which I did pretty well in.

After discovering Neo4j and graph databases a little over a month and a half ago, I’ve become subject to this weird syndrome where I think to myself, “Could I put that into a graph database?” with literally everything I encounter. The answer is usually yes.

Markov Chains

I realized the other day that nodes can have relationships with themselves, and for some reason, this immediately reminded me of Markov chains. The term Markov chain sounds intimidating at first (it did to me when I first saw the term on a syllabus), but they’re actually pretty simple: Markov chains consist of states and probabilities. The number of possible states is finite, and the Markov chain is a stochastic process that transitions, with certain probabilities, from one state to another over what I like to call time-steps.

The most important property of a Markov chain is that it is memoryless; that is, the probability of entering the next state depends only on the current state. We don’t care about where the process has been, only about where it is now.

If you wander over to the Wikipedia page on Markov chains, you’ll see pretty quickly why they are an obvious candidate for a graph database. The main profile picture for the page shows a Markov chain in graph form, where the states are nodes and the probabilities of transitioning from one state to another are the relationships between those nodes. The reason my realization mentioned earlier was important is that there is often a non-zero probability, given a Markov chain is in state A, that it will ‘enter’ state A in the next time-step. This is represented by a node that has a relationship with itself.

Interesting use of Neo4j to create a transition model.

Curious what you think of Nicole’s use of queries to avoid matrix multiplication?

It works but how often do you want to know the probability of one element in one state of a system?

Or would you extend the one element probability query to query more elements in a particular state?

October 4, 2013

The Mathematical Shape of Things to Come

Filed under: Data Analysis,Mathematics,Modeling — Patrick Durusau @ 4:27 pm

The Mathematical Shape of Things to Come by Jennifer Ouellette.

From the post:

Simon DeDeo, a research fellow in applied mathematics and complex systems at the Santa Fe Institute, had a problem. He was collaborating on a new project analyzing 300 years’ worth of data from the archives of London’s Old Bailey, the central criminal court of England and Wales. Granted, there was clean data in the usual straightforward Excel spreadsheet format, including such variables as indictment, verdict, and sentence for each case. But there were also full court transcripts, containing some 10 million words recorded during just under 200,000 trials.

“How the hell do you analyze that data?” DeDeo wondered. It wasn’t the size of the data set that was daunting; by big data standards, the size was quite manageable. It was the sheer complexity and lack of formal structure that posed a problem. This “big data” looked nothing like the kinds of traditional data sets the former physicist would have encountered earlier in his career, when the research paradigm involved forming a hypothesis, deciding precisely what one wished to measure, then building an apparatus to make that measurement as accurately as possible.

From further in the post:

Today’s big data is noisy, unstructured, and dynamic rather than static. It may also be corrupted or incomplete. “We think of data as being comprised of vectors – a string of numbers and coordinates,” said Jesse Johnson, a mathematician at Oklahoma State University. But data from Twitter or Facebook, or the trial archives of the Old Bailey, look nothing like that, which means researchers need new mathematical tools in order to glean useful information from the data sets. “Either you need a more sophisticated way to translate it into vectors, or you need to come up with a more generalized way of analyzing it,” Johnson said.

All true but vectors expect a precision that is missing from any natural language semantic.

A semantic that varies from listener to listener. See: Is there a text in this class? : The authority of interpretive communities by Stanley Fish.

It is a delightful article, so long as one bears in mind that all representations of semantics are from a point of view.

The most we can say for any point of view is that it is useful for some stated purpose.

September 29, 2013

Notes on Category Theory

Filed under: Category Theory,Mathematics — Patrick Durusau @ 3:58 pm

Notes on Category Theory by Robert L. Knighten.

From the preface:

There are many fine articles, notes, and books on category theory, so what is the excuse for publishing yet another tome on the subject? My initial excuse was altruistic, a student asked for help in learning the subject and none of the available sources was quite appropriate. But ultimately I recognized the personal and selfi sh desire to produce my own exposition of the subject. Despite that I have some hope that other students of the subject will find these notes useful.

The other generous explanation for “another tome” is to completely master a subject.

Either teach it or write a master tome on it.

I first saw this in a tweet by OGE Search.

August 30, 2013

Statistical Thinking: [free book]

Filed under: Mathematics,Statistics — Patrick Durusau @ 6:59 pm

Statistical Thinking: A Simulation Approach to Modeling Uncertainty

From the post:

Catalyst Press has just released the second edition of the book Statistical Thinking: A Simulation Approach to Modeling Uncertainty. The material in the book is based on work related to the NSF-funded CATALST Project (DUE-0814433). It makes exclusive use of simulation to carry out inferential analyses. The material also builds on best practices and materials developed in statistics education, research and theory from cognitive science, as well as materials and methods that are successfully achieving parallel goals in other disciplines (e.g., mathematics and engineering education).

The materials in the book help students:


  • Build a foundation for statistical thinking through immersion in real world problems and data
  • Develop an appreciation for the use of data as evidence
  • Use simulation to address questions involving statistical inference including randomization tests and bootstrap intervals
  • Model and simulate data using TinkerPlots™ software

Definitely a volume for the short reading list.

Applicable in a number of areas, from debunking statistical arguments in public debates to developing useful models for your clients.

August 29, 2013

DSLs and Towers of Abstraction

Filed under: DSL,Logic,Mathematics,Semantics — Patrick Durusau @ 6:04 pm

DSLs and Towers of Abstraction by Gershom Bazerman.

From the description:

This talk will sketch some connections at the foundations of semantics (of programming languages, logics, formal systems in general). In various degrees of abbreviation, we will present Galois Connections, Lawvere Theories, adjoint functors and their relationship to syntax and semantics, and the core notion behind abstract interpretation. At each step we’ll draw connections, trying to show why these are good tools to think with even as we’re solving real world problems and building tools and libraries others will find simple and elegant to use.

Further reading:

If your mind has gotten flabby over the summer, this presentation will start to get it back in shape.

You may get swept along in the speaker’s enthusiasm.

Very high marks!

August 13, 2013

Are EigenVectors Dangerous?

Filed under: Graphs,Mathematics,Networks,PageRank,Ranking — Patrick Durusau @ 7:44 pm

neo4j: Extracting a subgraph as an adjacency matrix and calculating eigenvector centrality with JBLAS by Mark Needham.

Mark continues his exploration of Eigenvector centrality by adding Eigenvector centrality values back to the graph from which it was developed.

Putting the Eigenvector centrality measure results back into Neo4j make they easier to query.

What troubles me is that Eigenvector centrality values are based only upon the recorded information we have for the graph.

There is no allowance for missing relationships or any validation of the Eigenvector centrality values found.

Recalling Paul Revere was a “terrorist” in his day, the NSA uses algorithms to declare nodes “important,” lack of access to courts for detainees, and Eigenvector centrality values start to look dangerous.

How would you validate Eigenvector centrality values? Not mathematically but against known values or facts outside of your graph.

How Important is Your Node in the Social Graph?

Filed under: Graphs,Mathematics,Networks,PageRank,Ranking — Patrick Durusau @ 6:08 pm

Java/JBLAS: Calculating eigenvector centrality of an adjacency matrix by Mark Needham.

OK, Mark’s title is more accurate but mine is more likely to get you to look beyond the headline. 😉

From the post:

I recently came across a very interesting post by Kieran Healy where he runs through a bunch of graph algorithms to see whether he can detect the most influential people behind the American Revolution based on their membership of various organisations.

The first algorithm he looked at was betweenness centrality which I’ve looked at previously and is used to determine the load and importance of a node in a graph.

This algorithm would assign a high score to nodes which have a lot of nodes connected to them even if those nodes aren’t necessarily influential nodes in the graph.

If we want to take the influence of the other nodes into account then we can use an algorithm called eigenvector centrality.

You may remember Kieran Healy’s post from Using Metadata to Find Paul Revere [In a Perfect World], where I pointed out that Kieran was using clean data. No omissions, no variant spellings, no confusion of any sort.

I suspect any sort of analysis would succeed with the proviso that it only gets clean data. Unlikely in an unclean data world.

But that to one side, Mark does a great job of assembling references on eigenvectors and code for processing. Follow all the resources in Mark’s post and you will have a much deeper understanding of this area.

Be sure to take note of the comparison between PageRank and Eigenvector centrality. Results are computational artifacts of choices that are visible when examining the end results.

PS: The Wikipedia link for Centrality cites Opsahl, Tore; Agneessens, Filip; Skvoretz, John (2010). “Node centrality in weighted networks: Generalizing degree and shortest paths“. Social Networks 32 (3): 245. doi:10.1016/j.socnet.2010.03.006 as a good summary. The link for the title leads to a preprint which is freely available.

July 13, 2013

Methods in Biostatistics I [Is Your World Black-or-White?]

Filed under: Biostatistics,Mathematics,Statistics — Patrick Durusau @ 12:24 pm

Methods in Biostatistics I John Hopkins School of Public Health.

From the webpage:

Presents fundamental concepts in applied probability, exploratory data analysis, and statistical inference, focusing on probability and analysis of one and two samples. Topics include discrete and continuous probability models; expectation and variance; central limit theorem; inference, including hypothesis testing and confidence for means, proportions, and counts; maximum likelihood estimation; sample size determinations; elementary non-parametric methods; graphical displays; and data transformations.

If you want more choices than black-or-white for modeling your world, statistics are a required starting point.

July 11, 2013

Bayesian Methods for Hackers

Bayesian Methods for Hackers by a community of authors!

From the readme:

The Bayesian method is the natural approach to inference, yet it is hidden from readers behind chapters of slow, mathematical analysis. The typical text on Bayesian inference involves two to three chapters on probability theory, then enters what Bayesian inference is. Unfortunately, due to mathematical intractability of most Bayesian models, the reader is only shown simple, artificial examples. This can leave the user with a so-what feeling about Bayesian inference. In fact, this was the author’s own prior opinion.

After some recent success of Bayesian methods in machine-learning competitions, I decided to investigate the subject again. Even with my mathematical background, it took me three straight-days of reading examples and trying to put the pieces together to understand the methods. There was simply not enough literature bridging theory to practice. The problem with my misunderstanding was the disconnect between Bayesian mathematics and probabilistic programming. That being said, I suffered then so the reader would not have to now. This book attempts to bridge the gap.

If Bayesian inference is the destination, then mathematical analysis is a particular path to towards it. On the other hand, computing power is cheap enough that we can afford to take an alternate route via probabilistic programming. The latter path is much more useful, as it denies the necessity of mathematical intervention at each step, that is, we remove often-intractable mathematical analysis as a prerequisite to Bayesian inference. Simply put, this latter computational path proceeds via small intermediate jumps from beginning to end, where as the first path proceeds by enormous leaps, often landing far away from our target. Furthermore, without a strong mathematical background, the analysis required by the first path cannot even take place.

Bayesian Methods for Hackers is designed as a introduction to Bayesian inference from a computational/understanding-first, and mathematics-second, point of view. Of course as an introductory book, we can only leave it at that: an introductory book. For the mathematically trained, they may cure the curiosity this text generates with other texts designed with mathematical analysis in mind. For the enthusiast with less mathematical-background, or one who is not interested in the mathematics but simply the practice of Bayesian methods, this text should be sufficient and entertaining.


Useful in case all the knowledge you want to put in a topic map is far from certain. 😉

June 30, 2013

Type Theory & Functional Programming [Types in Topic Maps]

Filed under: Mathematics,Programming,Types — Patrick Durusau @ 1:06 pm

Type Theory & Functional Programming by Simon Thompson.

From the introduction:

Constructive Type theory has been a topic of research interest to computer scientists, mathematicians, logicians and philosophers for a number of years. For computer scientists it provides a framework which brings together logic and programming languages in a most elegant and fertile way: program development and verification can proceed within a single system. Viewed in a different way, type theory is a functional programming language with some novel features, such as the totality of all its functions, its expressive type system allowing functions whose result type depends upon the value of its input, and sophisticated modules and abstract types whose interfaces can contain logical assertions as well as signature information. A third point of view emphasizes that programs (or functions) can be extracted from proofs in the logic.

Up until now most of the material on type theory has only appeared in proceedings of conferences and in research papers, so it seems appropriate to try to set down the current state of development in a form accessible to interested final-year undergraduates, graduate students, research workers and teachers in computer science and related fields – hence this book.

The book can be thought of as giving both a first and a second course in type theory. We begin with introductory material on logic and functional programming, and follow this by presenting the system of type theory itself, together with many examples. As well as this we go further, looking at the system from a mathematical perspective, thus elucidating a number of its important properties. Then we take a critical look at the profusion of suggestions in the literature about why and how type theory could be augmented. In doing this we are aiming at a moving target; it must be the case that further developments will have been made before the book reaches the press. Nonetheless, such an survey can give the reader a much more developed sense of the potential of type theory, as well as giving the background of what is to come.

The goal posts of type theory have moved since 1999, when this work was published, but the need to learn the foundations of type theory has not.

In a topic map context, consider the potential of types that define:

  1. applicable merging rules
  2. allowable sub-types
  3. permitted roles
  4. presence of other values (by type or value)

among other potential rules.

June 25, 2013

The Homotopy Type Theory Book is out!

Filed under: Homotopy,Mathematics,Topology — Patrick Durusau @ 1:42 pm

The Homotopy Type Theory Book is out! by Robert Harper.

From the post:

By now many of you have heard of the development of Homotopy Type Theory (HoTT), an extension of intuitionistic type theory that provides a natural foundation for doing synthetic homotopy theory. Last year the Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton sponsored a program on the Univalent Foundations of Mathematics, which was concerned with developing these ideas. One important outcome of the year-long program is a full-scale book presenting the main ideas of Homotopy Type Theory itself and showing how to apply them to various branches of mathematics, including homotopy theory, category theory, set theory, and constructive analysis. The book is the product of a joint effort by dozens of participants in the program, and is intended to document the state of the art as it is known today, and to encourage its further development by the participation of others interested in the topic (i.e., you!). Among the many directions in which one may take these ideas, the most important (to me) is to develop a constructive (computational) interpretation of HoTT. Some partial results in this direction have already been obtained, including fascinating work by Thierry Coquand on developing a constructive version of Kan complexes in ITT, by Mike Shulman on proving homotopy canonicity for the natural numbers in a two-dimensional version of HoTT, and by Dan Licata and me on a weak definitional canonicity theorem for a similar two-dimensional theory. Much work remains to be done to arrive at a fully satisfactory constructive interpretation, which is essential for application of these ideas to computer science. Meanwhile, though, great progress has been made on using HoTT to formulate and formalize significant pieces of mathematics in a new, and strikingly beautiful, style, that are well-documented in the book.

The book is freely available on the web in various formats, including a PDF version with active references, an ebook version suitable for your reading device, and may be purchased in hard- or soft-cover from Lulu. The book itself is open source, and is available at the Hott Book Git Hub. The book is under the Creative Commons CC BY-SA license, and will be freely available in perpetuity.

Readers may also be interested in the posts on Homotopy Type Theory, the n-Category Cafe, and Mathematics and Computation which describe more about the book and the process of its creation.

I can’t promise you that Homotopy Type Theory is going to be immediately useful in your topic map practice.

However, any theory that aims at replacing set theory (and it definitions of equality) is potentially useful for topic maps.

There are doctrines of subject equivalence far beyond simple string matches and no doubt clients who are willing to pay for them.

June 11, 2013

The Filtering vs. Clustering Dilemma

Filed under: Clustering,Graphs,Mathematics,Topological Data Analysis,Topology — Patrick Durusau @ 1:10 pm

Hierarchical information clustering by means of topologically embedded graphs by Won-Min Song, T. Di Matteo, and Tomaso Aste.


We introduce a graph-theoretic approach to extract clusters and hierarchies in complex data-sets in an unsupervised and deterministic manner, without the use of any prior information. This is achieved by building topologically embedded networks containing the subset of most significant links and analyzing the network structure. For a planar embedding, this method provides both the intra-cluster hierarchy, which describes the way clusters are composed, and the inter-cluster hierarchy which describes how clusters gather together. We discuss performance, robustness and reliability of this method by first investigating several artificial data-sets, finding that it can outperform significantly other established approaches. Then we show that our method can successfully differentiate meaningful clusters and hierarchies in a variety of real data-sets. In particular, we find that the application to gene expression patterns of lymphoma samples uncovers biologically significant groups of genes which play key-roles in diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of some of the most relevant human lymphoid malignancies.

I like the framing of the central issue a bit further in the paper:

Filtering information out of complex datasets is becoming a central issue and a crucial bottleneck in any scientifi c endeavor. Indeed, the continuous increase in the capability of automatic data acquisition and storage is providing an unprecedented potential for science. However, the ready accessibility of these technologies is posing new challenges concerning the necessity to reduce data-dimensionality by fi ltering out the most relevant and meaningful information with the aid of automated systems. In complex datasets information is often hidden by a large degree of redundancy and grouping the data into clusters of elements with similar features is essential in order to reduce complexity [1]. However, many clustering methods require some a priori information and must be performed under expert supervision. The requirement of any prior information is a potential problem because often the fi ltering is one of the preliminary processing on the data and therefore it is performed at a stage where very little information about the system is available. Another difficulty may arise from the fact that, in some cases, the reduction of the system into a set of separated local communities may hide properties associated with the global organization. For instance, in complex systems, relevant features are typically both local and global and di fferent levels of organization emerge at diff erent scales in a way that is intrinsically not reducible. We are therefore facing the problem of catching simultaneously two complementary aspects: on one side there is the need to reduce the complexity and the dimensionality of the data by identifying clusters which are associated with local features; but, on the other side, there is a need of keeping the information about the emerging global organization that is responsible for cross-scale activity. It is therefore essential to detect clusters together with the diff erent hierarchical gatherings above and below the cluster levels. (emphasis added)

Simplification of data is always lossy. The proposed technique does not avoid all loss but hopes to mitigate its consequences.

Briefly the technique relies upon building a network of the “most significant” links and analyzing the network structure. The synthetic and real data sets show that the technique works quite well. At least for data sets where we can judge the outcome.

What of larger data sets? Where the algorithmic approaches are the only feasible means of analysis? How do we judge accuracy in those cases?

A revised version of this paper appears as: Hierarchical Information Clustering by Means of Topologically Embedded Graphs by Won-Min Song, T. Di Matteo, and Tomaso Aste.

The original development of the technique used here can be found in: A tool for filtering information in complex systems by M. Tumminello, T. Aste, T. Di Matteo, and R. N. Mantegna.

June 4, 2013

Understanding matrices intuitively, part 1

Filed under: Mathematics,Matrix — Patrick Durusau @ 10:27 am

Understanding matrices intuitively, part 1 by William Gould.

From the post:

I want to show you a way of picturing and thinking about matrices. The topic for today is the square matrix, which we will call A. I’m going to show you a way of graphing square matrices, although we will have to limit ourselves to the 2 x 2 case. That will be, as they say, without loss of generality. The technique I’m about to show you could be used with 3 x 3 matrices if you had a better 3-dimensional monitor, and as will be revealed, it could be used on 3 x 2 and 2 x 3 matrices, too. If you had more imagination, we could use the technique on 4 x 4, 5 x 5, and even higher-dimensional matrices.

Matrices are quite common in information retrieval texts.

William’s post is an uncommonly good explanation of how to think about and picture matrices.

I first saw this in Christophe Lalanne’s A bag of tweets / May 2013.

June 2, 2013

Rings — A Second Primer

Filed under: Mathematical Reasoning,Mathematics — Patrick Durusau @ 10:01 am

Rings — A Second Primer by Jeremy Kun.

From the post:

Last time we defined and gave some examples of rings. Recapping, a ring is a special kind of group with an additional multiplication operation that “plays nicely” with addition. The important thing to remember is that a ring is intended to remind us arithmetic with integers (though not too much: multiplication in a ring need not be commutative). We proved some basic properties, like zero being unique and negation being well-behaved. We gave a quick definition of an integral domain as a place where the only way to multiply two things to get zero is when one of the multiplicands was already zero, and of a Euclidean domain where we can perform nice algorithms like the one for computing the greatest common divisor. Finally, we saw a very important example of the ring of polynomials.

In this post we’ll take a small step upward from looking at low-level features of rings, and start considering how general rings relate to each other. The reader familiar with this blog will notice many similarities between this post and our post on group theory. Indeed, the definitions here will be “motivated” by an attempt to replicate the same kinds of structures we found helpful in group theory (subgroups, homomorphisms, quotients, and kernels). And because rings are also abelian groups, we will play fast and loose with a number of the proofs here by relying on facts we proved in our two-post series on group theory. The ideas assume a decidedly distinct flavor here (mostly in ideals), and in future posts we will see how this affects the computational aspects in more detail.

I have a feeling that Jeremy’s posts are eventually going to lead to a very good tome with a title like: Mathematical Foundations of Programming.

To be used when you want to analyze and/or invent algorithms, not simply use them.

May 27, 2013

Category Theory for Scientists

Filed under: Category Theory,Mathematics — Patrick Durusau @ 9:49 am

Category Theory for Scientists by David Spivak.


There are many books designed to introduce category theory to either a mathematical audience or a computer science audience. In this book, our audience is the broader scientific community. We attempt to show that category theory can be applied throughout the sciences as a framework for modeling phenomena and communicating results. In order to target the scientific audience, this book is example-based rather than proof-based. For example, monoids are framed in terms of agents acting on objects, sheaves are introduced with primary examples coming from geography, and colored operads are discussed in terms of their ability to model self-similarity.

I first saw this at: Category Theory for Scientists by John Baez.

I forwarded it to Jack Park who responded with a link to an earlier post: Spivak on Category Theory by Bruce Bartlett.

David Spivak responds to the earlier post with a link to a Google doc for posting comments:

CT4S book: Typos, comments, questions, and suggestions

The MIT course description with links to supplemental materials: 18-S996, Spring 2013: Category theory for scientists.

If you post about this book, please include a pointer to the Google doc for comments as well.

May 24, 2013

Universal Properties

Filed under: Category Theory,Mathematics — Patrick Durusau @ 6:29 pm

Universal Properties by Jeremy Kun.

From the post:

Previously in this series we’ve seen the definition of a category and a bunch of examples, basic properties of morphisms, and a first look at how to represent categories as types in ML. In this post we’ll expand these ideas and introduce the notion of a universal property. We’ll see examples from mathematics and write some programs which simultaneously prove certain objects have universal properties and construct the morphisms involved.

Just in time for a long holiday weekend in the U.S., Jeremy continues his series on category theory.


May 17, 2013

Properties of Morphisms

Filed under: Category Theory,Mathematical Reasoning,Mathematics — Patrick Durusau @ 3:53 pm

Properties of Morphisms by Jeremy Kun.

From the post:

This post is mainly mathematical. We left it out of our introduction to categories for brevity, but we should lay these definitions down and some examples before continuing on to universal properties and doing more computation. The reader should feel free to skip this post and return to it later when the words “isomorphism,” “monomorphism,” and “epimorphism” come up again. Perhaps the most important part of this post is the description of an isomorphism.

Isomorphisms, Monomorphisms, and Epimorphisms

Perhaps the most important paradigm shift in category theory is the focus on morphisms as the main object of study. In particular, category theory stipulates that the only knowledge one can gain about an object is in how it relates to other objects. Indeed, this is true in nearly all fields of mathematics: in groups we consider all isomorphic groups to be the same. In topology, homeomorphic spaces are not distinguished. The list goes on. The only way to do determine if two objects are “the same” is by finding a morphism with special properties. Barry Mazur gives a more colorful explanation by considering the meaning of the number 5 in his essay, “When is one thing equal to some other thing?” The point is that categories, more than existing to be a “foundation” for all mathematics as a formal system (though people are working to make such a formal system), exist primarily to “capture the essence” of mathematical discourse, as Mazur puts it. A category defines objects and morphisms, but literally all of the structure of a category lies in its morphisms. And so we study them.

If you are looking for something challenging to read over the weekend, Jeremy’s latest post on morphisms should fit the bill.

The question of “equality” is easy enough to answer as lexical equivalence in UTF-8, but what if you need something more?

Being mindful that “lexical equivalence in UTF-8” is a highly unreliable form of “equality.”

Jeremy is easing us down the road where such discussions can happen with a great deal of rigor.

May 10, 2013

Harvard Stat 221

Filed under: CS Lectures,Data Science,Mathematics,Statistics — Patrick Durusau @ 6:36 pm

Harvard Stat 221 “Statistical Computing and Visualization”: by Sergiy Nesterko.

From the post:

Stat 221 is Statistical Computing and Visualization. It’s a graduate class on analyzing data without losing scientific rigor, and communicating your work. Topics span the full cycle of a data-driven project including project setup, design, implementation, and creating interactive user experiences to communicate ideas and results. We covered current theory and philosophy of building models for data, computational methods, and tools such as d3js, parallel computing with MPI, R.

See Sergily’s post for the lecture slides from this course.

May 6, 2013

Big Data and the Topologist

Filed under: BigData,Mathematics,Typography — Patrick Durusau @ 6:46 pm

Big Data and the Topologist by Jesse Johnson.

From the post:

As I mentioned in my previous post, I plan to write a series of posts about study of large data sets, both the ways that high dimensional data has traditionally been studied and the topology that has recently been applied to this area. For anyone who has experience thinking about abstract geometric objects (as I assume most of the readers of this blog do) the concepts should seem pretty straightforward, and the difficulty is mostly in translation. So I will start with a post that focusses on defining terms. (Update: I’ve started a second blog The Shape of Data to look into these topics in more detail.)

You can also skip ahead to later posts in this series:

  1. The geometry of neural networks
  2. Principle component analysis
  3. Making linear data algorithms less linear: kernels
  4. Topological exploration of data sets: persistent homology
  5. Refining information from persistent homology
  6. Finding clusters in data
  7. Topological Clustering
  8. Digital spheres and Reeb graphs

The study of large data sets in the abstract generally goes by two names: Data mining is the field that grew out of statistics, which considers ways to organize and summarize high dimensional data so that it can be understood by humans. Machine Learning is the subfield of computer science (particularly artificial intelligence) that looks for ways to have computers organize and summarize data, with the goal of having the computer make decisions. These two fields have a lot in common and I will not try to distinguish between them. There are also names for the application of these methods in different sciences, such as Bioinformatics and Cheminformatics. There are also rather notorious applications in marketing, which allow stores to know what you’re going to buy before you know.

We are given a collection of data, usually a set of ordered n-tuples, that come from a science experiment or surveys, or the data that retailers collect about you every time you use your credit card, etc. Some of the entries can be thought of as labels – the code number for the particular experiment, for example. The remaining coordinates/dimensions are often called features. If these features are numerical, then we can think of them as defining vectors in a Euclidean space, and this gives us our first glimpse of geometry. However, for high dimensional data, the Euclidean metric turns out to be problematic, so we will often want to use a different metric. The Euclidean metric is also problematic for binary features such as the presence of different genes in an organism.

This is a nice way to start the week!

Categories as Types

Filed under: Category Theory,Mathematics — Patrick Durusau @ 6:24 pm

Categories as Types by Jeremy Kun.

From the post:

In this post we’ll get a quick look at two ways to define a category as a type in ML. The first way will be completely trivial: we’ll just write it as a tuple of functions. The second will involve the terribly-named “functor” expression in ML, which allows one to give a bit more structure on data types.

Jeremy gets us closer to application of category theory to programming with an introduction to types.

May 4, 2013

Mathbabe, the book

Filed under: Mathematics,Publishing — Patrick Durusau @ 4:51 pm

Mathbabe, the book by Cathy O’Neil.

From the post:

Thanks to a certain friendly neighborhood mathbabe reader, I’ve created this mathbabe book, which is essentially all of my posts that I ever wrote (I think. Note sure about that.) bundled together mostly by date and stuck in a huge pdf. It comes to 1,243 pages.

I did it using, which charges $0.99 per person who downloads the pdf. I’m not charging anything over that, because the way I look at it, it’s already free.

Speaking of that, I can see why I’d want a copy of this stuff, since it’s the best way I can think of to have a local version of a bunch of writing I’ve done over the past couple of years, but I don’t actually see why anyone else would. So please don’t think I’m expecting you to go buy this book! Even so, more than one reader has requested this, so here it is.

And one strange thing: I don’t think it required my password on to do it, I just needed the url for the RSS feed. So if you want to avoid paying 99 cents, I’m pretty sure you can go to leanpub or one of its competitors and create another, identical book using that same feed.

And for that matter you can also go build your own book about anything using these tools, which is pretty cool when you think about it. Readers, please tell me if there’s a way to do this that’s open source and free.

The Mathbabe “book” would be one that I would be interested in reading. I can think of several other blogs that fall into that category.

I hesitate to use the term “book” for such a collection.

Maybe I am confusing “monograph,” which is focused on a topic, with “book,” which applies to works beyond a certain length.

I think of my postings, once you remove the dated notice materials, as potential essays or chapters in a book.

But they would need fleshing out and polishing to qualify for more formal publication.

May 3, 2013

Persistent Homology Talk at UIC: Slides

Filed under: Homology,Mathematics — Patrick Durusau @ 3:48 pm

Persistent Homology Talk at UIC: Slides by Jeremy Kun.

From the post:

Today I gave a twenty-minute talk at UI Chicago as part of the first annual Chicago Area Student SIAM Conference. My talk was titled “Recent Developments in Persistent Homology,” and it foreshadows the theoretical foundations and computational implementations we’ll be laying out on this blog in the coming months. Here’s the abstract:

Persistent homology is a recently developed technique for analyzing the topology of data sets. We will give a rough overview of the technique and sample successful applications to areas such as natural image analysis & texture classification, breast and liver cancer classification, molecular dynamical systems, and others.

The talk was received very well — mostly, I believe, because I waved my hands on the theoretical aspects and spent most of my time talking about the applications.

The slides.

Jeremy doesn’t hold out much hope the slides will be useful sans the lecture surrounding them.

He does includes references so see what you think of the slides + references.

April 26, 2013

Introducing Categories

Filed under: Category Theory,Mathematics — Patrick Durusau @ 5:13 am

Introducing Categories by Jeremy Kun.

From the post:

It is time for us to formally define what a category is, to see a wealth of examples. In our next post we’ll see how the definitions laid out here translate to programming constructs. As we’ve said in our soft motivational post on categories, the point of category theory is to organize mathematical structures across various disciplines into a unified language. As such, most of this post will be devote to laying down the definition of a category and the associated notation. We will be as clear as possible to avoid a notational barrier for newcomers, so if anything is unclear we will clarify it in the comments.

Definition of a Category

Let’s recall some examples of categories we’ve seen on this blog that serve to motivate the abstract definition of a category. We expect the reader to be comfortable with sets, and to absorb or glaze over the other examples as comfort dictates. The reader who is uncomfortable with sets and functions on sets should stop here. Instead, visit our primers on proof techniques, which doubles as a primer on set theory (or our terser primer on set theory from a two years ago).

The go-to example of a category is that of sets: sets together with functions between sets form a category. We will state exactly what this means momentarily, but first some examples of categories of “sets with structure” and “structure-preserving maps.”

Not easy but not as difficult as some introductions to category theory.

Jeremy promises that the very next post jumps into code to show the “definition of a category as a type in ML.”

Plus some pro’s and con’s on proceeding this way.

April 17, 2013

Categories, What’s the Point?

Filed under: Category Theory,Mathematics — Patrick Durusau @ 12:28 pm

Categories, What’s the Point? by Jeremy Kun.

From the post:

Perhaps primarily due to the prominence of monads in the Haskell programming language, programmers are often curious about category theory. Proponents of Haskell and other functional languages can put category-theoretic concepts on a pedestal or in a mexican restaurant, and their benefits can seem as mysterious as they are magical. For instance, the most common use of a monad in Haskell is to simulate the mutation of immutable data. Others include suspending and backtracking computations, and even untying tangled rope.

Category theory is often mocked (or praised) as the be-all and end-all of mathematical abstraction, and as such (and for other reasons I’ve explored on this blog) many have found it difficult to digest and impossible to master. However, in truth category theory arose from a need for organizing mathematical ideas based on their shared structure. In this post, I want to give a brief overview of what purpose category theory serves within mathematics, and emphasize what direction we’ll be going with it on this blog.

We should also note (writing this after the fact), that this article is meant to be a motivation to our future series on category theory. It is very difficult to explain what category theory is without going into very specific details, but we can explain by analogy what category theory achieves for us. That is the goal of this post.

I rather like the line:

However, in truth category theory arose from a need for organizing mathematical ideas based on their shared structure.

Which is one of the reasons why I keep trying to master category theory, for the ability to organize subject identifications based on their shared structures.

Not necessary for all subject identity cases but if topic maps extend into subjects like math, physics, etc., then it may be quite useful.

April 16, 2013

Probabilistic Bounds — A Primer

Filed under: Mathematics,Probability — Patrick Durusau @ 4:43 pm

Probabilistic Bounds — A Primer by Jeremy Kun.

From the post:

Probabilistic arguments are a key tool for the analysis of algorithms in machine learning theory and probability theory. They also assume a prominent role in the analysis of randomized and streaming algorithms, where one imposes a restriction on the amount of storage space an algorithm is allowed to use for its computations (usually sublinear in the size of the input).

While a whole host of probabilistic arguments are used, one theorem in particular (or family of theorems) is ubiquitous: the Chernoff bound. In its simplest form, the Chernoff bound gives an exponential bound on the deviation of sums of random variables from their expected value.

This is perhaps most important to algorithm analysis in the following mindset. Say we have a program whose output is a random variable X. Moreover suppose that the expected value of X is the correct output of the algorithm. Then we can run the algorithm multiple times and take a median (or some sort of average) across all runs. The probability that the algorithm gives a wildly incorrect answer is the probability that more than half of the runs give values which are wildly far from their expected value. Chernoff’s bound ensures this will happen with small probability.

So this post is dedicated to presenting the main versions of the Chernoff bound that are used in learning theory and randomized algorithms. Unfortunately the proof of the Chernoff bound in its full glory is beyond the scope of this blog. However, we will give short proofs of weaker, simpler bounds as a straightforward application of this blog’s previous work laying down the theory.

If the reader has not yet intuited it, this post will rely heavily on the mathematical formalisms of probability theory. We will assume our reader is familiar with the material from our first probability theory primer, and it certainly wouldn’t hurt to have read our conditional probability theory primer, though we won’t use conditional probability directly. We will refrain from using measure-theoretic probability theory entirely (some day my colleagues in analysis will like me, but not today).

Another heavy sledding post from Jeremy but if you persist, you will gain a deeper understanding of the algorithms of machine learning theory.

If that sounds esoteric, consider that it will help you question results produced by algorithms of machine learning.

Do you really want to take a machine’s “word” for something important?

Or do you want the chance to know why an answer is correct, questionable or incorrect?

Visualization and Projection

Filed under: Mathematics,Projection,Visualization — Patrick Durusau @ 4:06 pm

Visualization and Projection by Jesse Johnson.

From the post:

One of the common themes that I’ve emphasized so far on this blog is that we should try to analyze high dimensional data sets without being able to actually “see” them. However, it is often useful to visualize the data in some way, and having just introduced principle component analysis, this is probably a good time to start the discussion. There are a number of types of visualization that involve representing statistics about the data in different ways, but today we’ll look at ways of representing the actual data points in two or three dimensions.

In particular, what we want to do is to draw the individual data points of a high dimensional data set in a lower dimensional space so that the hard work can be done by the best pattern recognition machine there is: your brain. When you look at a two- or three-dimensional data set, you will naturally recognize patterns based on how close different points are to each other. Therefore, we want to represent the points so that the distances between them change as little as possible. In general, this is called projection, the term coming from the idea that we will do the same thing to the data as you do when you make shadow puppets: We project a high dimensional object (such as your three-dimensional hands) onto a lower dimensional object (such as the two-dimensional wall).

We’ve already used linear projection implicitly when thinking about higher dimensional spaces. For example, I suggested the you think about the three-dimensional space that we live in as being a piece of paper on the desk of someone living in a higher dimensional space. In the post about the curse of dimensionality, we looked at the three-dimensional cube from the side and saw that it was two-dimensional, then noted that a four-dimensional cube would look like a three-dimensional cube if we could look at it “from the side”.

When we look at an object from the side like this, we are essentially ignoring one of the dimensions. This the simplest form of projection, and in general we can choose to ignore more than one dimension at a time. For example, if you have data points in five dimensions and you want to plot them in two dimension, you could just pick the two dimensions that you thought were most important and plot the points based on those. It’s hard to picture how that works because you still have to think about the original five dimensional data. But this is similar to the picture if we were to take a two-dimensional data set and throw away one of the dimensions as in the left and middle pictures in the Figure below. You can see the shadow puppet analogy too: In the figure on the left, the light is to the right of the data, while in the middle, it’s above.

I hesitated over:

…then noted that a four-dimensional cube would look like a three-dimensional cube if we could look at it “from the side”

Barely remembering Martin Gardner’s column on visualizing higher dimensions and the illustrations of projecting a fourth dimensional box into three dimensions.

But the original post is describing a fourth dimensional cube in a fourth dimensional space being viewed “on its side” by a being that exists in fourth dimensional space.

That works.

How would you choose which dimensions to project for a human observer to judge?

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