Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

May 6, 2013

Big Data and the Topologist

Filed under: BigData,Mathematics,Typography — Patrick Durusau @ 6:46 pm

Big Data and the Topologist by Jesse Johnson.

From the post:

As I mentioned in my previous post, I plan to write a series of posts about study of large data sets, both the ways that high dimensional data has traditionally been studied and the topology that has recently been applied to this area. For anyone who has experience thinking about abstract geometric objects (as I assume most of the readers of this blog do) the concepts should seem pretty straightforward, and the difficulty is mostly in translation. So I will start with a post that focusses on defining terms. (Update: I’ve started a second blog The Shape of Data to look into these topics in more detail.)

You can also skip ahead to later posts in this series:

  1. The geometry of neural networks
  2. Principle component analysis
  3. Making linear data algorithms less linear: kernels
  4. Topological exploration of data sets: persistent homology
  5. Refining information from persistent homology
  6. Finding clusters in data
  7. Topological Clustering
  8. Digital spheres and Reeb graphs

The study of large data sets in the abstract generally goes by two names: Data mining is the field that grew out of statistics, which considers ways to organize and summarize high dimensional data so that it can be understood by humans. Machine Learning is the subfield of computer science (particularly artificial intelligence) that looks for ways to have computers organize and summarize data, with the goal of having the computer make decisions. These two fields have a lot in common and I will not try to distinguish between them. There are also names for the application of these methods in different sciences, such as Bioinformatics and Cheminformatics. There are also rather notorious applications in marketing, which allow stores to know what you’re going to buy before you know.

We are given a collection of data, usually a set of ordered n-tuples, that come from a science experiment or surveys, or the data that retailers collect about you every time you use your credit card, etc. Some of the entries can be thought of as labels – the code number for the particular experiment, for example. The remaining coordinates/dimensions are often called features. If these features are numerical, then we can think of them as defining vectors in a Euclidean space, and this gives us our first glimpse of geometry. However, for high dimensional data, the Euclidean metric turns out to be problematic, so we will often want to use a different metric. The Euclidean metric is also problematic for binary features such as the presence of different genes in an organism.

This is a nice way to start the week!

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