Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

April 26, 2013

Introducing Categories

Filed under: Category Theory,Mathematics — Patrick Durusau @ 5:13 am

Introducing Categories by Jeremy Kun.

From the post:

It is time for us to formally define what a category is, to see a wealth of examples. In our next post we’ll see how the definitions laid out here translate to programming constructs. As we’ve said in our soft motivational post on categories, the point of category theory is to organize mathematical structures across various disciplines into a unified language. As such, most of this post will be devote to laying down the definition of a category and the associated notation. We will be as clear as possible to avoid a notational barrier for newcomers, so if anything is unclear we will clarify it in the comments.

Definition of a Category

Let’s recall some examples of categories we’ve seen on this blog that serve to motivate the abstract definition of a category. We expect the reader to be comfortable with sets, and to absorb or glaze over the other examples as comfort dictates. The reader who is uncomfortable with sets and functions on sets should stop here. Instead, visit our primers on proof techniques, which doubles as a primer on set theory (or our terser primer on set theory from a two years ago).

The go-to example of a category is that of sets: sets together with functions between sets form a category. We will state exactly what this means momentarily, but first some examples of categories of “sets with structure” and “structure-preserving maps.”

Not easy but not as difficult as some introductions to category theory.

Jeremy promises that the very next post jumps into code to show the “definition of a category as a type in ML.”

Plus some pro’s and con’s on proceeding this way.

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