Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

December 3, 2018

Distributed Denial of Secrets (#DDoSecrets) – There’s a New Censor in Town

Filed under: Censorship,CIA,Leaks,NSA — Patrick Durusau @ 6:59 pm

Distributed Denial of Secrets (#DDoSecrets) (ddosecretspzwfy7.onion/)

From a tweet by @NatSecGeek:

Distributed Denial of Secrets (#DDoSecrets), a collective/distribution system for leaked and hacked data, launches today with over 1 TB of data from our back catalogue (more TK).

Great right? Well, maybe not so great:

Our goal is to preserve info and ensure its available to those who need it. When possible, we will distribute complete datasets to everyone. In some instances, we will offer limited distribution due to PII or other sensitive info. #DDoSecrets currently has ~15 LIMDIS releases.

As we’re able, #DDoSecrets will produce sanitized versions of these datasets for public distribution. People who can demonstrate good cause for a copy of the complete dataset will be provided with it.

Rahael Satter in Leak site’s launch shows dilemma of radical transparency documents the sad act of self-mutilation (self-censorship) by #DDoSecrets.

Hosting the Ashley Madison hack drew criticism from Joseph Cox (think Motherboard) and Gabriella Coleman (McGill University anthropologist). The Ashley Madison data is available for searching (by email for example, so the harm of a bulk release isn’t clear.

What is clear is the reasoning of Coleman:

Best said the data would now be made available to researchers privately on a case-by-case basis, a decision that mollified some critics.

“Much better,” said Coleman after reviewing the newly pared-back site. “Exactly the model we might want.”

I am not surprised this is the model Coleman wants, academics are legendary for treating access as a privilege, thus empowering themselves to sit in judgment on others.

Let me explicitly say that I have no doubts that Emma Best will be as fair handed with such judgments as anyone.

But once we concede any basis for censorship, the withholding of information of any type, then we are cast into a darkness from which there is no escape. A censor claims to have withheld only X, but how are we to judge? We have no access to the original data. Only its mutilated, bastard child.

Emma Best is likely the least intrusive censor you can find but what is your response when the CIA or the NSA makes the same claim?

Censorship is a danger when practiced by anyone for any reason.

Support and leak to the project but always condition deposits on raw leaking by #DDoSecrets.

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