Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

November 5, 2018

ꓘamerka —… [On Ubuntu 18.04] 

Filed under: Open Source Intelligence,Privacy,Shodan — Patrick Durusau @ 1:25 pm

ꓘamerka — Build interactive map of cameras from Shodan by Wojciech.

From the post:

This post will be really quick one, I want to share one of the curiosity I wrote recently. It’s proof of concept to visualize cameras from Shodan API into real map. Some of the cameras are left open with no authentication so you don’t need to have any hacking skills to get access, and depends on where camera is located you can get interesting view in some cases. With lot of luck, it can help you with OSINT investigations or geolocating photos. Imagine you have photo to geolocate and you found open camera exactly pointing to this place, or somewhere nearby, which can give you hint.


OK, so I git clone in a directory.

After changing to the kamerka directory:

pip -r install requirements


pip [options]

no such option: -r

Syntax error. Try:

pip install -r requirements.txt


Restriction: Works only with paid accounts.

Opps! I don’t have a commercial Shodan account (at the moment) so I need to break here.

When I obtain a commercial Shodan account I will report further on this script. Thinking Venice Beach would be a nice location to test for cameras. 😉

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