Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

September 16, 2018

Radare2 – Perils of e – 492 Settings in 32 Namespaces

Filed under: Hacking,Radare2 — Patrick Durusau @ 10:31 am

If you are new to Radare2 (that includes me), you will execute the e command at an r2 prompt, and be overwhelmed by 492 possible settings.

The manual helpfully says that you can use e (namespace). to see all the setting within a namespace.

e cfg.


cfg.bigendian = false
cfg.debug = false
cfg.editor = emacs
cfg.fortunes = true
cfg.fortunes.clippy = false
cfg.fortunes.tts = false
cfg.fortunes.type = tips,fun
cfg.hashlimit = 0x00a00000
cfg.log = false
cfg.newtab = false
cfg.plugins = true
cfg.prefixdump = dump
cfg.r2wars = false
cfg.sandbox = false
cfg.user = pid386
cfg.wseek = false

But if you don’t know the namespaces, that’s not very helpful advice.

The namespaces as of 16 September 2018 are:

  1. anal
  2. asm
  3. bin
  4. cfg
  5. cmd
  6. dbg
  7. diff
  8. dir
  9. emu
  10. esil
  11. file
  12. fs
  13. graph
  14. hex
  15. http
  16. hud
  17. io
  18. key
  19. lines
  20. magic
  21. pdb
  22. prj
  23. rap
  24. rop
  25. scr
  26. search
  27. stack
  28. str
  29. tcp
  30. time
  31. zign
  32. zoom

The use of namespaces with e produces more manageable setting listings. Ping me if you find this useful.

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