Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

August 2, 2018

eXist-db 5.0.0 RC 3 [Prepping for Assange Data Tsunami]

Filed under: .Net,eXist,XML,XML Database,XQuery — Patrick Durusau @ 10:40 am

eXist-db 5.0.0 RC 3

One new feature and several bugs fixes over RC 2, but thought I should mention it for Assange Data Tsunami preppers.

I have deliberately avoided contact with any such preppers but you can read my advice at: username: 4julian password: $etJulianFree!2Day.

The gist is that sysadmins should, with appropriate cautions, create accounts with “username: 4julian password: $etJulianFree!2Day,” in the event that Julian Assange is taken into custory (a likely event).

If one truth teller (no Wikileaks release has ever been proven false or modified) disturbs the world, creating a tsunami of secret, classified, restricted, proprietary data, may shock it to its senses.

Start prepping for the Assange Data Tsunami today!

PS: Yes, there are a variety of social media events, broadcasts, etc. being planned. Wish them all well but governments respond to bleeding more than pleading. In this case, bleeding data seems appropriate.

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