Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

April 28, 2018

Mazes For Summer Vacation Trips!

Filed under: Humor,R — Patrick Durusau @ 3:52 pm

On any long vacation road trip, “spot the fascist,” a variation on spotting state license plates, keyed to bumper stickers, can get old. Not to mention it can become repetitious in some states and locales. Very repetitious.

If you convinced your significant other to permit a laptop on the trip, combine some R, maze generation and create entertainment for your fellow travelers!

Before leaving on your trip, check out the mazealls package.

To get you started, there are code illustrations for the following mazes: parallelogram, triangle, hexagon, dodecagon, trapezoid, rhombic dissections, Koch snowflake, Sierpinski triangle, Hexaflake, a dumb looking tree, hex spiral, a rectangle spiral, a double rectangle spiral, and a boustrophedon. The entries for “a dumb looking tree” and following illustrate the use of the pre-defined mazes as primitives.

From the webpage:

Generate mazes recursively via Turtle graphics.

Adjust the complexity and backgrounds of your mazes to be age-appropriate.

Useful even if you are not traveling. Say sitting through congressional hearings (present day) where members of Congress ask about AOL CDs. Working a maze under those circumstances may prevent you from getting dumber. No guarantees.

Two examples out of more than fifteen:


Composite of maze primitives:

Set an appropriate print scale to have any chance to solve these mazes!


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