Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

April 25, 2018

DoS of Censorship at YouTube?

Filed under: Censorship — Patrick Durusau @ 8:42 am

YouTube publishes deleted videos report (BBC)

From the post:

During the last quarter of 2017, 8.3 million videos were deleted for violating “community guidelines.”

If you don’t approve of censorship of others, consider recycling deleted videos, altered to produce a different key signature to increase the friction at YouTube for their deletion.

Think of overloading censors as a form of Denial-of-Service attack.

For example, if files known to be unacceptable were uploaded with altered key signatures and then reported by the uploader, from distributed accounts, it creates a loop of uploads and complaints. The overload helps protect other videos but also increases the friction of maintaining its reign of censorship.

Further automation is possible by training an AI to search the web for videos that human censors at YouTube would find to violate “community standards.”

If you fall into the “I want to be effective, not so much clever” category, scraping YouTube deletion notices, then searching for those files elsewhere, is an effective, albeit brain dead alternative for discovery of unacceptable files at YouTube.

Censorship of others is wrong.* (full stop)

Anyone who practices it, merits whatever fate befalls them.

* Note the limitation to “censorship of others.” I routinely “censor/filter” what I choose to view, discuss, etc. I leave everyone else with an identical freedom to choose what they wish to view, discuss, etc. Please extend the same courtesy to me. Thanks!

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