Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

February 14, 2011

NetworkX Introduction: Hacking social networks using the Python programming language

Filed under: Social Networks — Patrick Durusau @ 11:34 am

NetworkX Introduction: Hacking social networks using the Python programming language

Aric Hagberg (Los Alamos National Laboratory) and Drew Conway (New York University) for the 2011 Sunbelt Conference on Social Networks.

I ran across this while look at the “Data Bootcamp” materials that Drew Conway posted.

Still reading The social life of information and remembered not all topic map folks use Perl, ;-), two good reasons to mention this resource.

Seriously, information only exists (in any meaningful sense) in social networks.

It could be that information exists independently of us, but how interesting is that?

Even the arguments about the existence of information in our absence takes place in our presence. How ironic is that?

1 Comment

  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by quippd Python News and Patrick Durusau, Python UK. Python UK said: NetworkX Introduction: Hacking social networks using the Python … […]

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