Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

December 27, 2017

Streaming SQL for Apache Kafka

Filed under: Kafka,SQL,Stream Analytics,Streams — Patrick Durusau @ 11:27 am

Streaming SQL for Apache Kafka by Jojjat Jafarpour.

From the post:

We are very excited to announce the December release of KSQL, the streaming SQL engine for Apache Kafka! As we announced in the November release blog, we are releasing KSQL on a monthly basis to make it even easier for you to get up and running with the latest and greatest functionality of KSQL to solve your own business problems.

The December release, KSQL 0.3, includes both new features that have been requested by our community as well as under-the-hood improvements for better robustness and resource utilization. If you have already been using KSQL, we encourage you to upgrade to this latest version to take advantage of the new functionality and improvements.

The KSQL Github page links to:

  • KSQL Quick Start: Demonstrates a simple workflow using KSQL to write streaming queries against data in Kafka.
  • Clickstream Analysis Demo: Shows how to build an application that performs real-time user analytics.

These are just quick start materials but are your ETL projects ever as simple as USERID to USERID? Or have such semantically transparent fields? Or what Itake to be semantically transparent fields (they may not be).

As I pointed out in Where Do We Write Down Subject Identifications? earlier today, where do I record what I know about what appears in those fields? Including on what basis to merge them with other data?

If you see where KSQL is offering that ability, please ping me because I’m missing it entirely. Thanks!

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