Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

February 21, 2017

Transparent Government Has Arrived (sorta)

Filed under: Cybersecurity,Government,Security — Patrick Durusau @ 8:24 pm

I saw US Cities Exposed: Industries and ICS, source of this graphic, in Violet Blue‘s report Hacking and infosec news: February 21, 2017

Violet’s report has other useful security news but I just had to share the increasing government transparency graphic with you.

The growing insecurity of government computers makes the news organization stance that leakers must hand them documents all the more puzzling.

I don’t know if that is a result of being hand fed all these years, genuine concern over prosecution or both.

Think about it this way, short of a source outing themselves, how is anyone going to know that a journalist enlisted hackers versus having a genuine leaker?

Put that way, perhaps there are loose confederations of hackers breaching government networks right now. (Sorry, didn’t mean to panic any security types.)


Read the rest of the report and Violet’s post as well.


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