Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

December 25, 2016

A people’s history of the United States [A Working Class Winter Is Coming]

Filed under: Government,History,Politics — Patrick Durusau @ 8:34 pm

A people’s history of the United States by Howard Zinn.

From the webpage:

The full text of Howard Zinn’s superb people’s history of the United States, spanning over 500 years from Columbus’s “discovery” of America in 1492 to the Clinton presidency in 1996.

I think this is the first edition text (1980), which has been updated and can be purchased here.

Be sure to visit/use (either personally or for teaching): Teaching A People’s History:

Its goal is to introduce students to a more accurate, complex, and engaging understanding of United States history than is found in traditional textbooks and curricula. The empowering potential of studying U.S. history is often lost in a textbook-driven trivial pursuit of names and dates. People’s history materials and pedagogy emphasize the role of working people, women, people of color, and organized social movements in shaping history. Students learn that history is made not by a few heroic individuals, but instead by people’s choices and actions, thereby also learning that their own choices and actions matter.

Buy the book, share it and the website as widely as possible.

A working class winter is coming.

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