Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

November 6, 2016

Debate Night Twitter: Analyzing Twitter’s Reaction to the Presidential Debate

Filed under: Data Mining,Government,Twitter — Patrick Durusau @ 5:34 pm

Debate Night Twitter: Analyzing Twitter’s Reaction to the Presidential Debate by George McIntire.

A bit dated content-wise but George covers techniques, from data gathering to analysis, useful for future events. Possible Presidential inauguration riots on January 20, 2017 for example. Or, the 2017 Super Bowl, where Lady GaGa will be performing.

From the post:

This past Sunday, Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton participated in a town hall-style debate, the second of three such events in this presidential campaign. It was an extremely contentious affair that reverberated across social media.

The political showdown was massively anticipated; the negative atmosphere of the campaign and last week’s news of Trump making lewd comments about women on tape certainly contributed to the fire. Trump further escalated the immense tension by holding a press conference with women who’ve accused former President Bill Clinton of abusing.

With having a near unprecedented amount of attention and hostility, I wanted to gauge Twitter’s reaction to the event. In this project, I streamed tweets under the hashtag #debate and analyzed them to discover trends in Twitter’s mood and how users were reacting to not just the debate overall but to certain events in the debate.

What techniques will you apply to your tweet data sets?

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