Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

January 26, 2011

Onotoa: Simply create your Topic Maps schemas

Filed under: TMCL,Topic Map Software — Patrick Durusau @ 1:11 pm

Onotoa: Simply create your Topic Maps schemas

The 1.2 version is due out fairly soon.

Onotoa assists in the construction of topic map schemas (constraint schemas).

It provides a graphic representation of types and constraints for a topic map.

You probably want to read Creating a topic map ontology with Onotoa before you try the Onotoa Handbook.

I am not sure the Onotoa Handbook, even if it were available in editable form (say ODF?), would be worth the effort to make an editorial pass at it.

Suspect splitting it into a reference manual and a users manual would be a step in the right direction. Then do an editorial pass.


  1. Hi Patrick,

    The manual has been written with asciidoc and is in the google code repository. I would appreciate a review very much.

    The code is at:

    Best regards

    Comment by Hannes — January 26, 2011 @ 2:24 pm

  2. Thanks!

    No promises but I may try to take a look at it.

    Comment by Patrick Durusau — January 26, 2011 @ 3:15 pm

  3. Apologies, I came back to this and discovered “asciidoc” isn’t on a default version of Ubuntu.

    Let me know when the documentation is in a standard editable format and I will try to take a pass at it.

    Using rare or odd formats is a good way to isolate your documentation from contributions and/or review.

    Comment by Patrick Durusau — January 26, 2011 @ 7:15 pm

  4. You don’t need asciidoc in your system, just ant.

    Edit the files using your favorite text editor and call in the console and it will build the html. All needed libraries are in the documentation project.

    if you want to create a pdf use: ant docbook.pdf
    for epub: ant docbook.pdf


    Comment by Hannes — January 27, 2011 @ 6:57 am

  5. Sigh, it isn’t a question of having asciidoc on my system, easy enough to install.

    The problem is that editing requires more than simply correcting prose. It also involves knowing the syntax for production of the text.

    For example, look at getting_started.txt I see:

    “=== The Website of the _Onotoa_ Project ===

    The _Onotoa_ project maintains a website which provides you with all
    information about the ongoing developments.
    The website is available at In < > you
    can see a screenshot of the Onotoa website.

    .Website of the _Onotoa_ project

    If this were in some standard format, like TeX, LaTeX, DocBook, ODF, etc., I would not have to guess at what impact my changes would have on the output.

    I have neither the time nor interest in asciidoc to experiment with it.

    Should I find the time, I will output the original text to XHTML and import it into ODF. Then I have change tracking, etc.

    Comment by Patrick Durusau — January 27, 2011 @ 7:37 am

  6. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Topic Maps Lab, Félix Averlant. Félix Averlant said: (Onotoa: Simply create your Topic Maps schemas) […]

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