Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

January 26, 2011

Dimensions to use to compare NoSQL data stores – Queries to Produce Topic Maps

Filed under: Merging,NoSQL,TMDM,Topic Map Software,Topic Maps — Patrick Durusau @ 9:08 am

Dimensions to use to compare NoSQL data stores

A post by Huan Liu to read after Billy Newport’s Enterprise NoSQL: Silver Bullet or Poison Pill? – (Unique Questions?)

A very good quick summary of the dimension to consider. As Liu makes clear, choosing the right data store is a complex issue.

I would use this as an overview article to get everyone on a common ground for a discussion of NoSQL data stores.

At least that way, misunderstandings will be on some other topic of discussion.

BTW, if you think about Newport’s point (however correct/incorrect) that NoSQL databases enable only one query, doesn’t that fit the production of a topic map?

That is there is a defined set of constructs, with defined conditions of equivalence. So the only query in that regard has been fixed.

Questions remain about querying the data that a topic map holds, but the query that results in merged topics, associations, etc.

In some processing models, that query is performed and a merged artifact is produced.

Following the same data model rules, I would prefer to allow those queries be made on an ad hoc basis. So that users are always presented with the latest merged results.

Same rules as the TMDM, just a question of when they fire.


  1. NoSQL – What other general compare/dimension articles would you recommend as common ground builders? (1-3 citations)
  2. Topic maps as artifacts – What other data processing approaches produce static artifacts for querying? (3-5 pages, citations)
  3. Topic maps as query results – What are the concerns and benefits of topic maps as query results? (3-5 pages, citations)

1 Comment

  1. Dimensions to use to compare NoSQL data stores – Queries to Produce Topic Maps…

    A very good quick summary of the dimension to consider. As Liu makes clear, choosing the right data store is a complex issue. I would use this as an overview article to get everyone on a common ground for a discussion of NoSQL data stores….

    Trackback by — March 11, 2011 @ 10:02 pm

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