Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

June 2, 2016

#NoTROHere – Defending Free Speech and MuckRock

Filed under: Censorship,Free Speech — Patrick Durusau @ 3:27 pm

Court grants Temporary Restraining Order forcing removal of MuckRock documents by Michael Morisy.

From the post:

A King County, Washington court has ordered MuckRock to un-publish documents that the City of Seattle released to one of our users, Phil Mocek, via a public records request concerning private contractors who bid on the city’s smart utility meter program.

Although MuckRock has complied with the order, we disagree with the court’s decision and are confident that ultimately we will vindicate our right to publish the documents that Mr. Mocek lawfully obtained.

I don’t see my name or yours on the TRO or any of the other documents.

To enable you (and me) to compare the original documents to both the redacted copies and the highly amusing affidavits filed in support of the facially flawed TRO, find the following:



Disclaimer: I did NOT obtain these documents from MuckRock or anyone known to me to be associated with MuckRock or named in any of the pleadings referenced above. (Just to forestall any groundless accusations of contempt, etc.)

Request: In the unlikely event that someone serves me with a TRO, please repost the documents on your blogs, discussion lists, twitter feeds, etc.

If Landis+Gyr wants to violate the U.S. Constitution and state constitutions in every county/parish (Louisiana) in the United States, let’s give them that opportunity. #NoTROHere

Before I forget, all the legal documents are here, including the affidavits.

PS: I know I am violating the advice I gave in Avoiding Imperial (Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (CFAA)) Entanglement – Identification but:

  • I never claimed to be perfectly consistent, and
  • The public is the ultimate arbiter of the conduct of its government. Concealment of information by government serves only to breed mistrust and a lack of confidence in outcomes.

Look for my analysis of the public documents vs. the affidavits next Monday, 6 June 2016.

1 Comment

  1. […] – Defending Free Speech and MuckRock” [Another Word for It] “The public is the ultimate arbiter of the conduct of its government. Concealment of […]

    Pingback by 2:00PM Water Cooler 6/3/2016 | naked capitalism — June 3, 2016 @ 1:02 pm

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