Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

April 20, 2016

Writing Challenge: Short Science!

Filed under: Writing — Patrick Durusau @ 8:43 pm

Welcome to Short Science!

From the webpage:

Sometimes research papers are hard to understand because of nomenclature, unclear writing, unnecessary formalisms, etc… It is useful to ask an expert in the field to summarize the intuition behind a paper to help you understand it. Have you every finally understood a paper and then said “That’s it?” The goal is that you have those “That’s it?” moments without having to spend days reading the paper!

Short Science allows researchers to publish paper summaries that are voted on and ranked until the best and most accessible summary has been found! The goal is to make all the seminal ideas in science accessible to the people that want to understand them.

Everyone can write summaries for any paper that exists in our database. It is easy to think you know enough about a paper until you try to write something public about it. You may discover that you don’t understand the concept when you try to write a short accessible summary about it.

Short Science is where Einstein puts you to the test “If I can’t explain it simply, I don’t understand it well enough.” Do you understand a paper well enough? Prove it to yourself by writing a summary for it! Also, write summaries of your own papers to help people to understand it and gain impact!

If you are looking for an authoring/writing challenge, you have found the place!

Not that I need another authoring venue but this looks like fun. Not to mention a way to get external validation.


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