Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

February 11, 2016

The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy Game – 30th Anniversary Edition

Filed under: Games,Humor — Patrick Durusau @ 8:44 pm

The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy Game – 30th Anniversary Edition

From the webpage:

A word of warning

The game will kill you frequently. It’s a bit mean like that.

If in doubt, before you make a move, please save your game by typing “Save” then enter. You can then restore your game by typing “Restore” then enter. This should make it slightly less annoying getting killed all the time as you can go back to where you were before it happened.

You’ll need to be signed in for this to work. You can sign in or register by clicking the BBCiD icon next to the BBC logo in the top navigation bar. Signing in will also allow you to tweet about your achievements, and to add a display name so you can get onto the high score tables.

Take fair warning, you can lose hours if not days playing this game.

The graphics may help orient yourself in the various locations. That was missing in the original game.

If you maintain focus on the screen, you can use your keyboard for data entry.

Graphics are way better now but how do you compare the game play to current games?


More details:

About the game

Game Technical FAQ

How to play

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