Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

December 20, 2015

‘*Star Wars Spoiler*’ Security

Filed under: Humor,Politics,Security — Patrick Durusau @ 10:57 am

ISIS Secures Comms By Putting ‘*Star Wars Spoiler*’ Before Every Message.

From the post:

The Islamic State has developed a new, incredibly effective way to safeguard their communications, according to intelligence sources. By putting the phrase “Star Wars Spoiler” in message headers, the group has essentially eliminated any chance of their messages being read by United States intelligence services even if they are intercepted.

“It’s been three days since any of us have had any intelligence at all on ISIS maneuvers and plans,” Capt. Mark Newman, Army intelligence officer, said in an interview. “We’re trying to put people who have seen the movie on the rotator out to the sandbox, but that’s pretty much making everyone lie about whether or not they’d seen Episode VII.”

Reporters have been unable to see any of the classified intelligence reports, not because Edward Snowden didn’t leak them, but because much of the staff has not seen Episode VII yet either. The ISIS Twitter account, however, was more difficult to avoid looking at.

More effective than former Queen Hillary’s position that wishes trump (sorry) known principles of cryptography:

It doesn’t do anybody any good if terrorists can move toward encrypted communication that no law enforcement agency can break into before or after. There must be some way. I don’t know enough about the technology, Martha, to be able to say what it is, but I have a lot of confidence in our tech experts. (Last Democrat sham debate of 2015)

At a minimum, that’s dishonest and at maximum, delusional. Stalin was the same way about genetics you recall.

If Hillary can lie to herself and the American public about encryption, ask yourself what else is she willing to lie about?

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