Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

November 16, 2015

Recreational Constraint Programmer

Filed under: Automata,Clojure,Constraint Programming,Programming — Patrick Durusau @ 3:52 pm [Embedding of the video disabled at the source. Follow the link.]

From the description:

Many of us have hazy memories of finite state machines from computer science theory classes in college. But finite state machines (FSMs) have real, practical value, and it is useful to know how to build and apply them in Clojure. For example, FSMs have long been popular to model game AIs and workflow rules, and FSMs provide the behind-the-scenes magic that powers Java’s regexes and core.async’s go blocks. In this talk, we’ll look at two programming puzzles that, suprisingly, have very elegant solutions when looked at through the lens of FSMs, with code demonstrations using two different Clojure libraries for automata (automat and reduce-fsm), as well as loco, a Clojure constraint solver.

If you have never heard anyone describe themselves as a “recreational constraint programmer,” you really need to see this video!

If you think about having a single representative for a subject as a constraint on a set of topics, the question becomes what properties must each topic have to facilitate that constraint?

Some properties, such as family names, will lead to over-merging of topics and other properties, such as possession of one and only one social security number, will under-merge topics where a person has multiple social security numbers.

The best code demonstration in the video was the generation of a fairly complex cross-word puzzle, sans the clues for each word. I think the clues were left as an exercise for the reader. 😉

Code Repositories:

Encouraging enough that you might want to revisit regular expressions.


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