Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

January 12, 2011

ACM Digital Library for Computing Professionals

Filed under: Computer Science,Digital Library,Library — Patrick Durusau @ 2:59 pm

ACM Digital Library for Computing Professionals

The ACM has released a new version of it digital library, and, is offering a free three-month trial of it.

From the announcement:

  • Reorganized author profile pages that present a snapshot of author contributions and metrics of author influence by monitoring publication and citation counts and download usage volume
  • Broadened citation pages for individual articles with tabs for metadata and links to facilitate exploration and discovery of the depth of content in the DL
  • Enhanced interactivity tools such as RSS feeds, bibliographic exports, and social network channels to retrieve data, promote user engagement, and introduce user content
  • Redesigned binders for creating personal, annotatable collections of bibliographies or reading lists, and sharing them with ACM and non-ACM members, or exporting them into standard authoring tools like self-generated virtual PDF publications
  • Expanded table-of-contents opt-in service for all publications in the DL—from ACM and other publishers—that alerts users via email and RSS feeds to new issues of journals, magazines, newsletters, and proceedings.

I mention it here for a couple of reasons:

1) For resources on computing, whether contemporary or older materials, I can’t think of a better starting place for research. I am here more often than not.

2) It sets a benchmark for what is available in terms of digital libraries. If you are going to use topic maps to build a digital library, what would you do better?

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