Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

July 14, 2015

Iranian Nuclear Arm Deal (full text)

Filed under: Government,News,Politics — Patrick Durusau @ 1:48 pm

Here’s the full text of the Iran nuclear deal via Max Fisher.

From the post:

Here is the full text of the Iran nuclear deal. The “E3/EU+3” is a reference to the world powers that negotiated the deal with Iran (three European Union states of UK, France, and Germany, plus three others of China, the US, and Russia). A lot of the text is highly technical, but it’s still surprisingly readable for an international arms control agreement that was hammered out in many past-midnight sessions.

Kudos to Max and Vox for making the primary text available.

Suggest you selectively print it out and keep a copy close at hand while watching reporting/commentary on the document in your hand.

I say selectively because the full document runs one-hundred and fifty-nine (159) pages with some pages being entirely lists of entities that are no longer sanctioned and similar details.

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