Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

June 17, 2015

Sponsor a Muckraker:

Filed under: Journalism,News,Reporting — Patrick Durusau @ 11:03 am

Sponsor a Muckraker: Help Us Send Journalists to Lillehammer.

From the post:

Here’s your chance to support the global spread of investigative journalism. We need your help to sponsor dozens of journalists from developing and transitioning countries to come to the Global Investigative Journalism Conference in Norway this October 8-11.

Held once every two years, the GIJC is a giant training and networking event. At over 150 sessions, the world’s best journalists teach state-of-the-art investigative techniques, data analysis, cross-border reporting, online research, protecting sources, and more to reporters from some of the toughest media environments in the world.

We know from past conferences that our attendees return home to do groundbreaking investigations into corruption and abuse of power, launch investigative teams and non-profit centers, and help spread investigative reporting to where it is needed most.

We’ve been overwhelmed with requests to attend. GIJN and its co-host, Norway’s SKUP, have received 500 requests from more than 90 countries, and we can’t help them all. Please give what you can.

We will direct 100% of your gift to bring these journalists to GIJC15. Contributors will be publicly thanked (if they desire) on the GIJC15 conference page and social media. (Americans — your donation is fully tax deductible.)

Just click on the DONATE button, make a contribution, and write GIJC15 in the Special Instructions box. And thank you!

I don’t normally re-broadcast donation calls but the Global Investigative Journalism Conference transcends just be a good cause, public spirited, etc. sort of venture.

Think of it this way, governments, enterprises, businesses and their familiars, despite shortages, embargoes, famines, and natural disasters, all are suspiciously well fed and comfortable. Aren’t you the least bit curious why it seems to always work out that way? I am. Help sponsor a muckraker today!

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