Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

June 7, 2015

Debug like a doctor [Not Like the FBI]

Filed under: Cybersecurity,Security — Patrick Durusau @ 9:15 pm

Debug like a doctor by Connor Mendenhall.

The crux of Connor’s post, which he then explains very well is:

Differential diagnosis is a systematic method used by doctors to match sets of symptoms with their likely causes. A good differential diagnosis consists of four distinct steps:

  1. List all the observed symptoms.
  2. List possible causes for the observed symptoms.
  3. Rank the list of causes in order of urgency.
  4. Conduct test to rule out causes in priority order.

You can contrast that with the FBI method of investigating data breaches:

  1. Get incomplete/incoherent account of data loss, requiring data loss updates after months of investigation.
  2. Leak to news media anonymous accusations that China is responsible for the data breach.

A lack of cybersecurity talent requires a coarsening of some steps of investigation but I think it has been taken too far. Take the Office of Personnel Management breach, where the estimate of data lose worsens day by day.

Take a tip from the big data people, start with the data and not with the result you want.

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