Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

April 28, 2015

Markov Composer

Filed under: Music — Patrick Durusau @ 6:27 pm

Markov Composer – Using machine learning and a Markov chain to compose music by Andrej Budinčević.

From the post:

In the following article, I’ll present some of the research I’ve been working on lately. Algorithms, or algorithmic composition, have been used to compose music for centuries. For example, Western punctus contra punctum can be sometimes reduced to algorithmic determinacy. Then, why not use fast-learning computers capable of billions of calculations per second to do what they do best, to follow algorithms? In this article, I’m going to do just that, using machine learning and a second order Markov chain.

If you like exploring music with a computer, Andrej’s post will be a real treat!


MarkovComposer (GitHub)

I first saw this in a tweet by Debasish Ghosh.

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