Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

April 21, 2015

Liability as an Incentive for Secure Software?

Filed under: Government,Law,Security — Patrick Durusau @ 7:54 pm

Calls Arise to Make Developers Liable for Insecure Software by Sean Doherty.

The usual suspects show up in Sean’s post:

Dan Geer, chief information security officer at the CIA’s venture capital arm, In-Q-Tel, is often in the news arguing for legal measures to make companies accountable for developing vulnerable code. In his keynote address at the Black Hat USA conference in Las Vegas in August 2014, Geer said he would place the onus of security onto software developers.

In a recent Financial Times story, Dave Merkel, chief technology officer at IT security vendor FireEye, said, “Attackers are specifically looking for the things that code was not designed to do. As a software creator, you can test definitively for all the things that your software should do. But testing it for all things it shouldn’t do is an infinite, impossible challenge.”

But Sean adds an alternative to liability versus no-liability:

In today’s software development environment, there is no effective legal framework for liability. But perhaps lawyers are looking for the wrong framework.

The FT story also quoted Wolfgang Kandek, CTO at IT security vendor Qualys: “Building software isn’t like building a house or a bridge or a ship, where accepted engineering principles apply across whole industries.”

Like Greer, there are people in the software industry saying code development should become like the building industry—with standards. An organization of computing professionals, the IEEE Computer Society, found a working group to address the lack of software design standards: Center for Secure Design (CSD).

Liability is coming, its up to the software community to decide how to take that “hit.”

Relying on the courts to work out what “negligence” means for software development will take decades and lead to a minefield of mixed results. States will vary from each other and the feds will no doubt have different standards by circuits, at least for a while.

Standards for software development? Self-imposed standards that set a high but attainable bar that demonstrate improved results to users are definitely preferable to erratic and costly litigation.

Your call.

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