Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

February 10, 2015

New agency to sniff out threats in cyberspace

Filed under: Cybersecurity — Patrick Durusau @ 8:32 pm

New agency to sniff out threats in cyberspace by Ellen Nakashima.

Don’t laugh!

From the post:

The Obama administration is establishing a new agency to combat the deepening threat from cyberattacks, and its mission will be to fuse intelligence from around the government when a crisis occurs.

The agency is modeled after the National Counterterrorism Center, which was launched in the wake of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks amid criticism that the government failed to share intelligence that could have unraveled the al-Qaeda plot.

Others question why a new agency is needed when the government already has several dedicated to monitoring and analyzing cyberthreat data. The Department of Homeland Security, the FBI and the National Security Agency all have cyber-operations centers, and the FBI and the NSA are able to integrate information, noted Melissa Hathaway, a former White House cybersecurity coordinator and president of Hathaway Global Strategies.

Obama will issue a memorandum creating the center, which will be part of the Office of the Director of National Intelligence. The new agency will begin with a staff of about 50 and a budget of $35 million, officials said.

I said, “Don’t laugh!”

If the center gets created, if, it would be the logical place to locate intelligence integration. Not that I think that is what will happen but accidents do happen.

How that will diminish the turf wars between the agencies it is hard to say. Perhaps they will increase the budget for the center so it can spy on the other collectors of intelligence. Probably cheaper than asking them to share it.

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