Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

December 13, 2014

Scala eXchange 2014 (videos)

Filed under: Conferences,Functional Programming,Scala — Patrick Durusau @ 5:32 pm

Scala eXchange 2014 Videos are online! Thanks to the super cool folks at Skills Matter for making them available!

As usual, I have sorted the videos by author. I am not sure about using “scala” as a keyword at a Scala conference but suspect it was to permit searching in a database with videos from other conferences.

If you watch these with ear buds while others are watching sporting events, remember to keep the sound down enough that you can hear curses or cheers from others in the room. Mimic their sentiments and no one will be any wiser, except you for having watched these videos. 😉

PS: I could have used a web scraper to obtain the data but found manual extraction to be a good way to practice regexes in Emacs.

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