Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

November 22, 2014

Thanks to the Clojure Community!

Filed under: Clojure,Programming,Tweets — Patrick Durusau @ 3:30 pm

Thanks to the Clojure Community! by Alex Miller.

Today at the Clojure/conj, I gave thanks to many community members for their contributions. Any such list is inherently incomplete – I simply can’t capture everyone doing great work. If I missed someone important, please drop a comment and accept my apologies.

Alex has a list of people with GitHub, website and Twitter URLs.

I have extracted the Twitter URLs and created a Twitter handle followed by a Python comment marker and the users name for your convenience with Twitter feed scripts:

timbaldridge # Tim Baldridge

bbatsov # Bozhidar Batsov

fbellomi # Francesco Bellomi

ambrosebs # Ambrose Bonnaire-Sergeant

reborg # Renzo Borgatti

reiddraper # Reid Draper

colinfleming # Colin Fleming

deepbluelambda # Daniel Solano Gomez

nonrecursive # Daniel Higginbotham

bridgethillyer # Bridget Hillyer

heyzk # Zachary Kim

aphyr # Kyle Kingsbury

alanmalloy # Alan Malloy

gigasquid # Carin Meier

dmiller2718 # David Miller

bronsa_ # Nicola Mometto

ra # Ramsey Nasser

swannodette # David Nolen

ericnormand # Eric Normand

petitlaurent # Laurent Petit

tpope # Tim Pope

smashthepast # Ghadi Shayban

stuartsierra # Stuart Sierra

You will, of course, have to delete the blank lines with I retained for ease of human reading. Any mistakes or errors in this listing are solely my responsibility.


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