Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

October 28, 2014

Announcing Clasp

Filed under: C/C++,Lisp — Patrick Durusau @ 3:53 pm

Announcing Clasp by Christian Schafmeister.

From the post:

Click here for up to date build instructions

Today I am happy to make the first release of the Common Lisp implementation “Clasp”. Clasp uses LLVM as its back-end and generates native code. Clasp is a super-set of Common Lisp that interoperates smoothly with C++. The goal is to integrate these two very different languages together as seamlessly as possible to provide the best of both worlds. The C++ interoperation allows Common Lisp programmers to easily expose powerful C++ libraries to Common Lisp and solve complex programming challenges using the expressive power of Common Lisp. Clasp is licensed under the LGPL.

Common Lisp is considered by many to be one of the most expressive programming languages in existence. Individuals and small teams of programmers have created fantastic applications and operating systems within Common Lisp that require much larger effort when written in other languages. Common Lisp has many language features that have not yet made it into the C++ standard. Common Lisp has first-class functions, dynamic variables, true macros for meta-programming, generic functions, multiple return values, first-class symbols, exact arithmetic, conditions and restarts, optional type declarations, a programmable reader, a programmable printer and a configurable compiler. Common Lisp is the ultimate programmable programming language.

Clojure is a dialect of Lisp, which means you may spot situations where Lisp would be the better solution. Especially if you can draw upon C++ libraries.

The project is “actively looking” for new developers. Could be your opportunity to get in on the ground floor!

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