Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

October 13, 2014

Making of: Introduction to A*

Filed under: Graphics,Visualization — Patrick Durusau @ 4:23 pm

Making of: Introduction to A* by Amit Patel.

From the post:

(Warning: these notes are rough – the main page is here and these are some notes I wrote for a few colleagues and then I kept adding to it until it became a longer page)

Several people have asked me how I make the diagrams on my tutorials.

I need to learn the algorithm and data structures I want to demonstrate. Sometimes I already know them. Sometimes I know nothing about them. It varies a lot. It can take 1 to 5 months to make a tutorial. It’s slow, but the more I make, the faster I am getting.

I need to figure out what I want to show. I start with what’s in the algorithm itself: inputs, outputs, internal variables. With A*, the input is (start, goal, graph), the output is (parent pointers, distances), and the internal variables are (open set, closed set, parent pointers, distances, current node, neighbors, child node). I’m looking for the main idea to visualize. With A* it’s the frontier, which is the open set. Sometimes the thing I want to visualize is one of the algorithm’s internal variables, but not always.

Pure gold on making diagrams for tutorials here. You may make different choices but it isn’t often that the process of making a choice is exposed.

Pass this along. We all benefit from better illustrations in tutorials!

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