Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

September 15, 2014

Open source datacenter computing with Apache Mesos

Filed under: Data Management,Data Repositories,Mesos — Patrick Durusau @ 9:26 am

Open source datacenter computing with Apache Mesos by Sachin P. Bappalige.

From the post:

Apache Mesos is a cluster manager that provides efficient resource isolation and sharing across distributed applications or frameworks. Mesos is a open source software originally developed at the University of California at Berkeley. It sits between the application layer and the operating system and makes it easier to deploy and manage applications in large-scale clustered environments more efficiently. It can run many applications on a dynamically shared pool of nodes. Prominent users of Mesos include Twitter, Airbnb, MediaCrossing, Xogito and Categorize.

Mesos leverages features of the modern kernel—”cgroups” in Linux, “zones” in Solaris—to provide isolation for CPU, memory, I/O, file system, rack locality, etc. The big idea is to make a large collection of heterogeneous resources. Mesos introduces a distributed two-level scheduling mechanism called resource offers. Mesos decides how many resources to offer each framework, while frameworks decide which resources to accept and which computations to run on them. It is a thin resource sharing layer that enables fine-grained sharing across diverse cluster computing frameworks, by giving frameworks a common interface for accessing cluster resources.The idea is to deploy multiple distributed systems to a shared pool of nodes in order to increase resource utilization. A lot of modern workloads and frameworks can run on Mesos, including Hadoop, Memecached, Ruby on Rails, Storm, JBoss Data Grid, MPI, Spark and Node.js, as well as various web servers, databases and application servers.

This introduction to Apache Mesos will give you a quick overview of what Mesos has to offer without getting bogged down in details. Details will come later, either if you want to run a datacenter using Mesos or to map a datacenter being run with Mesos.

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