Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

September 2, 2014

World’s Biggest Data Breaches

Filed under: Cybersecurity,Security — Patrick Durusau @ 6:28 am

World’s Biggest Data Breaches by David McCandless and Tom Evans.

Interactive visualization of data breaches with more than 30,000 records lost.

You can filter by organization or method of leak as well as alter the display with options such as “no of records stolen” and “data sensitivity.”

You can find the data for this visualization at:

If data is stored, data breaches are going to occur. (full stop)

The only useful question to discuss is how much benefit is derived from the data versus the cost of security to prevent breaches and the cost of a potential breach.

Security is a cost issue and should be openly discussed as such. (As well as who will pay that cost.)

I first saw this in a tweet by Nicholas Thompson.

PS: Semantic transparency is also a cost issue. If I am writing for a group of close associates, I’m not going to include citations and/or documentation on issues and concepts that we all share. The more distant the potential audience, the greater amount of work to make the same material transparent to the larger group. Unfortunately that fronts loads the costs when the real beneficiaries may be some distance away.

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