Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

August 25, 2014

Desperately Seeking Algorithms!

Filed under: Algorithms,Clojure,Functional Programming — Patrick Durusau @ 2:33 pm

I don’t know for sure that Christophe Grand is “desperately” seeking algorithms but he has tweeted a request for “favorite algorithms” to be cast into posts similar to:

Tarjan’s strongly connected components algorithm

I dislike algorithms that are full of indices and mutations. Not because they are bad but because I always have the feeling that the core idea is buried. As such, Tarjan’s SCC algorithm irked me.

So I took the traditional algorithm, implemented it in Clojure with explicit environment passing, then I replaced indices by explicit stacks (thanks to persistence!) and after some tweaks, I realized that I’ve gone full circle and could switch to stacks lengths instead of stacks themselves and get rid of the loop. However the whole process made the code cleaner to my eye. You can look at the whole history.

Here is the resulting code:

See the Tarjan post for the Clojure version. Something similar is planned for “favorite” algorithms.

What algorithm are you going to submit?

Pass this along.

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