Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

August 11, 2014

Multiobjective Search

Filed under: Blueprints,Graphs,TinkerPop — Patrick Durusau @ 3:29 pm

Multiobjective Search with Hipster and TinkerPop Blueprints

From the webpage:

This advanced example explains how to perform a general multiobjective search with Hipster over a property graph using the TinkerPop Blueprints API. In a multiobjective problem, instead of optimizing just a single objective function, there are many objective functions that can conflict each other. The goal then is to find all possible solutions that are nondominated, i.e., there is no other feasible solution better than the current one in some objective function without worsening some of the other objective functions.

If you don’t know Hipster:

The aim of Hipster is to provide an easy to use yet powerful and flexible type-safe Java library for heuristic search. Hipster relies on a flexible model with generic operators that allow you to reuse and change the behavior of the algorithms very easily. Algorithms are also implemented in an iterative way, avoiding recursion. This has many benefits: full control over the search, access to the internals at runtime or a better and clear scale-out for large search spaces using the heap memory.

You can use Hipster to solve from simple graph search problems to more advanced state-space search problems where the state space is complex and weights are not just double values but custom defined costs.

I can’t help but hear “multiobjective search” in the the context of a document search where documents may or may not match multiple terms in a search request.

But that hearing is wrong because a graph can be more granular than a document and possess multiple ways to satisfy a particular objective. My intuition is that documents satisfy search requests only in a binary sense, yes or not. Yes?

Good way to get involved with Tinkerpop Blueprints.

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