Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

August 11, 2014

Patent Fraud, As In Patent Office Fraud

Filed under: Intellectual Property (IP),Topic Maps — Patrick Durusau @ 2:09 pm

Patent Office staff engaged in fraud and rushed exams, report says by Jeff John Roberts.

From the post:

…One version of the report also flags a culture of “end-loading” in which examiners “can go from unacceptable performance to award levels in one bi-week by doing 500% to more than 1000% of their production goal.”…

See Jeff’s post for other details and resources.

Assuming the records for patent examiners can be pried loose from the Patent Office, this would make a great topic map project. Associate the 500% periods with specific patents and further litigation on those patents, to create a resource for further attacks on patents approved by a particular examiner.

By the time a gravy train like patent examining makes the news, you know the train has already left the station.

On the up side, perhaps Congress will re-establish the Patent Office and prohibit any prior staff, contractors, etc. from working at the new Patent Office. The new Patent Office can adopt rules designed to enable innovation but also tracking prior innovation effectively. Present Patent Office goals have little to do with either of those goals.

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