Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

July 21, 2014


Filed under: D3,Graphs,Neo4j,Visualization — Patrick Durusau @ 4:37 pm

Graffeine by Julian Browne

From the webpage:

Caffeinated Graph Exploration for Neo4J

Graffeine is both a useful interactive demonstrator of graph capability and a simple visual administration interface for small graph databases.

Here it is with the, now canonical, Dr Who graph loaded up:

Dr. Who graph

From the description:

Graffeine plugs into Neo4J and renders nodes and relationships as an interactive D3 SVG graph so you can add, edit, delete and connect nodes. It’s not quite as easy as a whiteboard and a pen, but it’s close, and all interactions are persisted in Neo4J.

You can either make a graph from scratch or browse an existing one using search and paging. You can even “fold” your graph to bring different aspects of it together on the same screen.

Nodes can be added, updated, and removed. New relationships can be made using drag and drop and existing relationships broken.

It’s by no means phpmyadmin for Neo4J, but one day it could be (maybe).

A great example of D3 making visual editing possible.

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