Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

June 18, 2014

Time-Based Versioned Graphs

Filed under: Graphs,Neo4j,Versioning — Patrick Durusau @ 5:02 pm

Time-Based Versioned Graphs

From the post:

Many graph database applications need to version a graph so as to see what it looked like at a particular point in time. Neo4j doesn’t provide intrinsic support either at the level of its labelled property graph or in the Cypher query language for versioning. Therefore, to version a graph we need to make our application graph data model and queries version aware.

Separate Structure From State

The key to versioning a graph is separating structure from state. This allows us to version the graph’s structure independently of its state.

To help describe how to design a version-aware graph model, I’m going to introduce some new terminology: identity nodes, state nodes, structural relationships and state relationships.

Identity Nodes

Identity nodes are used to represent the positions of entities in a domain-meaningful graph structure. Each identity node contains one or more immutable properties, which together constitute an entity’s identity. In a version-free graph (the kind of graph we build normally) nodes tend to represent both an entity’s position and its state. Identity nodes in a version-aware graph, in contrast, serve only to identify and locate an entity in a network structure.

Structural Relationships

Identity nodes are connected to one another using timestamped structural relationships. These structural relationships are similar to the domain relationships we’d include in a version-free graph, except they have two additional properties, from and to, both of which are timestamps.

State Nodes and Relationships

Connected to each identity node are one or more state nodes. Each state node represents a snapshot of an entity’s state. State nodes are connected to identity nodes using timestamped state relationships.

Great modeling example but you have to wonder about a graph implementation that doesn’t support versioning out of the box.

It can be convenient to treat data as though it were stable, but we all know that isn’t true.

Don’t we?

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