Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

May 12, 2014

Distributed Systems and the End of the API

Filed under: CRDT,Distributed Computing,Distributed Systems — Patrick Durusau @ 3:53 pm

Distributed Systems and the End of the API by Chas Emerick.

From the post:

This is a written (expanded) narrative of the content from a talk I first gave at PhillyETE on April 23rd, 2014. It mostly follows the flow of the presentation given then, but with a level of detail that I hope enhances clarity of the ideas therein. The talk’s original slides are available, though the key illustrations and bullet points contained therein are replicated (and somewhat enhanced) below. When audio/video of the talk is published, I will update this page to link to it.

I have two claims of which I would like to convince you today:

  1. The notion of the networked application API is an unsalvageable anachronism that fails to account for the necessary complexities of distributed systems.
  2. There exist a set of formalisms that do account for these complexities, but which are effectively absent from modern programming practice.

A bit further into the paper, distributed systems are defined as:

A distributed system is one that is comprised of multiple processes that must communicate to perform work.

The bottom line is that, given the ambient nature of the networks that surround us and the dependence we have upon those networks for so many of the tasks our programs, clients, customers, and users take for granted, nearly every system we build is a distributed system. Unless your software runs in a totally isolated environment — e.g. on an air-gapped computer — you are building a distributed system.

This is problematic in that distributed systems exhibit a set of uniformly unintuitive behaviours related to causality, consistency, and availability. These behaviours are largely emergent, and spring from the equally unintuitive semantics of the non-locality of the parts of those distributed systems and the networks that connect them. None of these behaviours or semantics are related at all to those which we — as programmers and engineers — are typically trained and acclimated to expect and reason about.

Note that even if you are doing something small, or “normal”, or common, you are not immune to these challenges. Even the most vanilla web application is definitionally a distributed system. By sending data from one computer (e.g. a server) to another (e.g. your customer’s web browser), you end up having to contemplate and address all sorts of problems that simply don’t exist when you run a program in a single process on a single machine that doesn’t touch the network: consistency, coping with non-availability (i.e. latency, services being down, timing-related bugs caused by long-running computations or things as simple as garbage collection), dealing with repeated messages from clients with spotty connections, and more. If you’ve not been bitten by these things, that is evidence of luck (or, of your not having noticed the problems yet!), not of your being immune, or otherwise that what you’ve built is somehow not a distributed system and so isn’t subject to these challenges.

A lot of heavy sledding but important for the future development of robust distributed systems.

It is important that people interested in semantics and XML participate in these discussions.

For example, Chas says of XML (and JSON):

the “richer” data representations that are favoured by most API services and clients (again, JSON, XML, etc) are fundamentally opaque and in general make reconciling independent changes impossible in a consistent way without special, often domain-specific intervention.

I’m am curious what is meant by “fundametally opaque,” at least insofar as Chas is talking about XML. If he means that independent changes impact the tree structure and make reconciliation of concurrent changes challenging, ok, but that’s not being opaque. And even that is an artifact of a processing model for XML, not XML proper.

I am even more concerned about the “semantics” to be addressed in distributed systems. At this point I will have to take Chas’ word for the distributed systems preserving machine to machine semantics (I have much reading left to do) but correct machine processing doesn’t warrant correct semantics for a human consumer of the same data.

I first saw this in a tweet by Tom Santero.

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