Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

April 1, 2014

…Browser History as a Favicon Tapestry (NSFW?)

Filed under: Graphics,Visualization — Patrick Durusau @ 2:47 pm

Browser Plugin Maps Your Browser History as a Favicon Tapestry by Andrew Vande Moere.

From the post:

iconic history

Iconic History [] by Carnegie Mellon University interaction design student Shan Huang is as simple as it is beautifully revealing.

See Andrew’s post for more details.

Depending on the websites you visit and their favicons, this may or may not be safe for work.

As a visualization it makes me curious, what if you could track the “focus” of applications in use so a similar display could be generated for the apps you use in a day, a week, etc.?

Would bring new meaning to the question: What have you been working on today? 😉

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