Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

January 17, 2014

NSA News!

Filed under: Cybersecurity,NSA,Security — Patrick Durusau @ 5:16 pm

Four Questionable Claims Obama Has Made on NSA Surveillance by Kara Brandeisky of ProPublico.

Kara does a great job pointing out four specific claims made by President Obama that just don’t add up.

Read Kara’s article and then share it. (Results in a small donation for ProPublico.)

My concern isn’t that the President made mis-leading statements. You can turn on CNN any day of the week and hear mis-leading statements from inside the “beltway” as they call it.

I am more concerned that the “merits” of the President’s “reforms” will become serious topics of discussion. That would be an unfortunate distraction from the only remedy that might deter other federal agencies from going completely rogue, closure of the NSA.

When I say closure I mean exactly that. No transfers of files, personnel, physical assets, etc. Lock the doors and just seal it up.

Why? Well, consider that the Director of the NSA, James Clapper, Jr. lied to Congress about surveillance of U.S. citizens and has not been held accountable for those lies.

How would you know if any of the reforms are performed? Ask Clapper?

Reform of the NSA is a farce wrapped in a lie and concealed inside secret budget allocations.

Closing the NSA should be the first step to making the government as transparent as the average U.S. (and non-U.S.) citizen is today.

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