Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

December 30, 2013

175 Analytic and Data Science Web Sites

Filed under: Data Science,Nutch — Patrick Durusau @ 4:07 pm

175 Analytic and Data Science Web Sites by Vincent Granville.

From the post:

Following is a list (in alphabetical order) of top domains related to analytics, data science or big data, based on input from Data Science central members. These top domains were cited by at least 4 members. Some of them are pure data science web sites, while others are more general (but still tech-oriented) with strong emphasis on data issues at large, or regular data science content.

I created 175-DataSites-2013.txt from Vincent’s listing formatted as a Nutch seed text.

I would delete some of the entries prior to crawling.

For example,

Lots interesting content but If you are looking for data-centric resources, I would be more specific.

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