Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

December 15, 2013

What is xkcd all about?…

Filed under: News,Reporting,Topic Models (LDA) — Patrick Durusau @ 9:10 pm

What is xkcd all about? Text mining a web comic by Jonathan Stray.

From the post:

I recently ran into a very cute visualization of the topics of XKCD comics. It’s made using a topic modeling algorithm where the computer automatically figures out what topics xkcd covers, and the relationships between them. I decided to compare this xkcd topic visualization to Overview, which does a similar sort of thing in a different way (here’s how Overview’s clustering works).

Stand back, I’m going to try science!

I knew that topic modeling had to have some practical use. 😉

Jonathan uses the wildly popular xkcd comic to illustrate some of the features of Overview.

Emphasis on “some.”

Something fun to start the week with!

Besides, you are comparing topic modeling algorithms on a known document base.

What could be more work related than that?

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