Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

December 2, 2013

Vidi Competition [Closes 14th February 2014]

Filed under: Contest,Linked Data — Patrick Durusau @ 4:41 pm

Vidi Competition by Marieke Guy. (A public email notice I received today.)

At the start of November the LinkedUp Project launched the second in our LinkedUp Challenge – the Vidi Competition.

For the Vidi Competition we are inviting you to design and build innovative and robust prototypes and demos for tools that analyse and/or integrate open web data for educational purposes. The competition will run from 4th November 2013 till 14th February 2014. Prizes (up to €3,000 for first) will be awarded at the European Semantic Web Conference in Crete, Greece in May 2014. You can find out full details on the LinkedUp Challenge Website.

For this Competition we have one open track and two focused tracks that may guide teams or provide inspiration.

We’ve recently published blog posts on the tracks:

  • Pathfinder: Using linked data to ease access to recommendations and guidance
  • Simplificator: Using linked data to add context to domain-specific resources

There is also a blog post detailing the technical support we can offer.

We’d like to complement these posts with an online webinar which will introduce LinkedUp and the Vidi Competition. There will also be an opportunity to ask our technical support team questions and find out more about the data sets available. The webinar will take approximately 45 minutes and will be recorded.

The webinar is still in planning but is likely to take place in the next couple of weeks, if you are interested in participating please register your email address and we will share times with you.

A collection of suggested data sources can be found at the LinkedUp Data Repository

The overall theme of the competition:

We’re inviting you to design and build innovative and robust prototypes and demos for tools that analyse and/or integrate open web data for educational purposes. You can submit your Web application, App, analysis toolkit, documented API or any other tool that connects, exploits or analyses open or linked data and that addresses real educational needs. Your tool still may contain some bugs, as long as it has a stable set of features and you have some proof that it can be deployed on a realistic scale.

You could approach this competition several ways:

  1. Do straight linked data as a credential of your ability to produce and use linked data.
  2. Do straight linked data and supplement it with a topic map, either separately or as part of the competition.
  3. Create a solution (topic maps and/or linked data) and approach people with an interest in these resources.

A regular reader of this blog recently reminded me people are not shopping for topic maps (or linked data) but for results. (That’s #3 in my list.)

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