Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

November 12, 2013

Oryx [Alphaware]

Filed under: Cloudera,Machine Learning — Patrick Durusau @ 4:29 pm

Oryx [Alphaware] (Cloudera)

From the webpage:

The Oryx open source project provides simple, real-time large-scale machine learning infrastructure. It implements a few classes of algorithm commonly used in business applications: collaborative filtering / recommendation, classification / regression, and clustering. It can continuously build models from a stream of data at large scale using Apache Hadoop‘s MapReduce. It also serves queries of those models in real-time via an HTTP REST API, and can update models approximately in response to new data. Models are exchanged in PMML format.

It is not a library, visualization tool, exploratory analytics tool, or environment. Oryx represents a unified continuation of the Myrrix and cloudera/ml projects.

Oryx should be considered alpha software; it may have bugs and will change in incompatible ways.

I’m sure management has forgotten about that incident where you tanked the production servers. Not to mention those beady-eyed government agents that slowly track you in a car when you grab lunch. 😉

Just teasing. Keep Oryx off the production servers and explore!

Sorry, no advice for the beady-eyed government agents.

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